5 Ways of Adaptability

5 Ways of Adaptability

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.

― Charles Darwin

Let's take a look at five things I applied during the adaptation process as a cohort of Bangkit 2024 Batch 1.

Ways of Interacting ??

The first thing that was quite challenging for me when joining Bangkit was interacting with various groups of individuals. Not only with fellow cohorts but also with mentors and instructors from the professional industry. This pushed me to communicate effectively and accept feedback from people with different backgrounds than me. HAHAHAHAHA…. I remember the most interesting part was the requirement to use English as the common language. Whatever came out of my mouth, I hoped it could be understood by others. I believe as long as I'm confident, I can get through this.

Ways of Achieving ??

Setting realistic goals after going through the Bangkit program has motivated me to face challenges and prepare myself optimally. Time and energy management are some of the keys that I began to optimize. My goals are not only about the quantity of skills but also the quality that I encounter at the end of the journey.

Ways of Learning ??

Engaging in daily activities with Bangkit has accustomed me to self-directed learning, not only in terms of technical skills but also in soft skills. Surprisingly, I am no longer a person who procrastinates; I strive to complete all my learning requirements earlier to achieve optimal results.

Way of Working ??????

After joining Bangkit for a month, I've become a more structured individual. Now, I manage my activities by combining Google Calendar and Notion. I create my to-do list for the week, which I then break down into daily tasks. Each day is divided into three different sections: to-do, inprogress, and done (complete), and I strive to complete all tasks within that day.

Ways of Thinking ??

I believe that adaptation is one of the growth mindsets I need to apply. Through Bangkit, I began to confront various struggles I have faced so far, such as using English, interacting with new people, and managing time and energy. All of these also impact my ability to manage stress.


