5 Ways of Adaptability
In the first 2 weeks I joined Bangkit Academy, I was a little surprised because I'm not used to the strict schedule of Bangkit-Learning program. However, I am sure that joining this program will be an extraordinary experience that will bring many benefits and insights for me, So I try to Adapt with Bangkit-Learning environtment using 5 Ways of adaptability, Here we go !
Ways of Interacting
In Bangkit Program, almost all activities are carried out online and we are asked to use English in communicating with others. its two new things to me. So I learned to adjust my self with it, I always try to make an understanable conversation with online rules (self-camera positioning, connection, politeness and etc) and using English clearly.
Ways of Achieving
Bangkit Program scheduled us with some milestone with a certain collection deadline. To achieve this milestone target I allocate 8 hours of my time per day for Bangkit, 4 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the evening. Also when I did that I turned off my cellphone to avoid distractions.
Ways of Learning
One source of learning theory here is using online platforms (Dicoding & GCSB). I adapt when I have questions or want to deepen my knowledge with the theories, I explore on my own. If I can't find the answer, I save it and discuss with my instructor/mentor later.
Ways of Working
With the tight schedule given, Bangkit also facilitates us to complete it online. We hold online meetings using Google Meet, see work that has not been completed using Gclassroom, see the schedule that we have to carry out using Gcalendars and any others.At first I was a little confused but after I tried checking out the functions of each platform I enjoyed it.
Ways of Thinking
The BSD program taught me to think critically and use a growth mindset. they taught me that we can face anything, we just have to believe and dare to push ourselves to fight it. I applied that way of thinking and I really felt the impact of it making me braver and more confident
#LifeAtBangkit #Bangkit2024