5 Ways of Adaptability in Bangkit Academy 2023 Program

5 Ways of Adaptability in Bangkit Academy 2023 Program

My Adaptability Journey in Bangkit 2023 Program

I am Astam Mulyan, I am a participant of the Bangkit Academy bach 1 cloud computing path. To be honest, I feel very lucky to be 7% of the applicants selected to take part in this program. The Bangkit Academy program is an activity that I have wanted to participate in since I entered college. I see this program can pave the way for students from non IT majors to have a career in the IT field. In addition, one of the reasons for me to join this program is because there are so many benefits offered. Through collaboration with Google, Goto and Traveloka, I believe the education in this program has a very good quality for learning. As a non-IT student, it is not easy to be able to complete all the material and challenges in this program. Adaptability and resilience are needed to survive. In this essay, I will share my experiences of adaptability within the Bangkit Academy 2023 program, focusing on the five dimensions of adaptability: ways of interacting, achieving, learning, working, and thinking.

Ways of Interacting

Interaction is very important in human life, through interaction humans can learn and recognize each other. In addition, humans will find it difficult to build cooperation without interaction, without interaction humans will be isolated from knowledge and social life. Therefore, interaction is a very necessary thing to do, especially when an individual is part of a large community. during the rise academy program, we went through a long process to be able to maintain interactions with many people. In the rise academy program I interacted with students from various backgrounds and different backgrounds. During the program we were directed to interact using discord. For myself, the platform still feels unfamiliar, as a result, when I first started using the platform I was confused by the features in it. It took me a few days to get familiar with every feature in discord, because the features are very different from WhatsApp which I often use. In this program we were also encouraged to connect with each other using LinkedIn. This was very challenging for me because the encouragement required me to prepare a good profile on LinkedIn. In addition, in the adaptation process in the Bangkit Academy program, I am very grateful to have a very supportive mentor. For myself, the interaction process was not difficult, because I really like to socialize with new people. However, it became very challenging because my background is from Non-IT, when we talked I had to learn a lot in order to understand the chatter of friends in the group. In addition, I learned a lot about empathy and being a good listener. In this interaction process, I also learned to interact with various personalities with different characters. We are also used to interacting with each other in weekly consultation sessions, in which we can ask each other questions and tell about the activities of the past week in the rise activity. In addition, this weekly consultation activity is a means to get to know fellow participants in this program. We also interact through WhatsApp, when we get acquainted through LinkedIn or discord we always try to exchange WhatsApp numbers so that we can get to know each other better. Based on my experience, this is very helpful in the process of interacting with fellow bangkit academy program participants. The results of the interaction that each participant does not infrequently also become the beginning of a friendship, and can even become a partner for the Capstone project. I myself feel that the time in the bangkit Academy program is an ideal time to look for relationships to build startups, because there are so many competent people in the field of technology in this activity.

Ways of Achieving

In the Bangkit Academy program, each participant is required to achieve each milestone every week. Milestones in this program are in the form of learning materials, quizzes, labs and submissions on various platforms such as Dicoding, Coursera, and Google Cloud Skill Boost. While in this program I was very challenged by every challenge, but not infrequently I also had difficulty achieving milestones in this program. There are some materials in Dicoding that I failed to achive according to the available schedule. The obstacles I face are usually due to my failure to complete the submission on time. In some submissions I had difficulty, because for me who came from a non-IT background, every submission had a high difficulty. In addition, there are several soft skills ILT tasks that must be completed by each participant of the Bangkit Academy program. This ILT assignment is in the form of an Essay, in which each participant must demonstrate the material that has been learned based on their knowledge and understanding. Then there are also some ILTs that contain problem solving cases, for me it is very challenging to solve. In the rise academy program, every week the participants are required to complete the deadline for each task to achieve the milestone. Seya himself failed to achieve several milestones in this program. Because there were several submissions that I could not complete on time. However, I think the achieve milestone system is a good system to use because it provides a strong impetus for participants to continue learning and catching up on material every day. To achieve in Bangkit Academy is a challenging thing for students with non-IT backgrounds like me. Nevertheless, I always try to complete every material and assignment well. It is not uncommon for me to consult every obstacle I face with my mentor, including obstacles to achieving milestones. The rise academy program requires resilience skills to survive and achieve each milestone. The good news is, I feel that the presence of mentors and supportive friends has a positive impact on being able to solve every challenge.

Ways of Learning

The Bangkit Academy program will last about six months from February to July. In that time each participant will allocate about 900 hours for this program. This means that each participant will use 40 hours or 8 hours per day in the learning process in the Bangkit academy program. The learning process is carried out with various different platforms such as Dicoding, GCSB, and Coursera. In addition, every week there is ILT and Weekly consultation. The tight schedule of activities in this program requires good adaptation. Moreover, not a few participants rose who also took credits at their home universities. I myself this semester took 15 credits so sometimes it is quite difficult to do time management. The learning process in the Bangkit Academy program is very exciting. One of my favorite sessions is the frequent sessions from professionals that are held every week by Bangkit Academy. Although this session is not mandatory, it seems that the participants are very enthusiastic about participating in this session because the presenters always bring interesting material.?In the process of learning in the Bangkit Academy Program, besides learning in classes held by Bangkit, I myself feel that I learn a lot from my fellow participants. Moreover, almost all participants in my group have a background in Informatics Engineering. So I can learn a lot from them, especially about fundamental things about computers and coding. During the bangkit academy program, I also spent a lot of time studying independently. Usually what I do is read back the materials that have been completed previously. The purpose of the self-study that I do is to strengthen my fudamental knowledge.

Ways of Working

Ways of working refers to how we approach our work and our ability to be productive and effective. Bangkit classes are conducted online, so I need to adapt my habits of working hours, workspace layout, and working tools to the Bangkit culture. To be more productive and effective, I have been trying to implement an eight-hour study schedule where every 50 minutes of study is followed by a 10-minute break to reduce my fatigue. I have also tried to keep my workspace clean and prepare the tools I need before I start studying. In this program, adaptability is needed to follow a series of activities. The variety of platforms used for work requires high adaptability. Because each platform has distinctive and different features. The way of working in Bangkit according to also requires high flexibelity due to the density of existing activities. In addition, endurance and resilience are also needed to survive.?In the Bangkit Academy program, when faced with a difficult situation, such as completing a submission if it is constrained, I always ask the mentor or friends in the group. This is usually very helpful to solve the problems I am facing. During this program, the activities are quite busy, so I often stay up late to complete every task. Another reason why I choose to stay up late is because I feel more productive at night. In addition to staying up late, I usually use all my vacation time to catch up, including in the holidays before Eid this time. The rise program is very challenging and demands a lot of dedication.

Ways of Thinking

In the Bangkit Academy program, participants are also given soft skills material that can help adaptation during the program. The first soft skill material that I learned was material about growth mindset. This material is very important to be understood by the participants because the ability of growth mindset is fundamental to develop. By having a growth mindset, the participants of the Rise Academy program will have more confidence in learning new things. Especially for students of non-IT programs, this material will be very helpful in learning the material that Bangkit Academy provides. In the rise academy program, I realize that growth mindset is everything and is a mandatory right that must be owned by all participants in order to adapt to all conditions. In addition to the growth mindset material, the important soft skill material obtained in the rise academy program is time management. Time management skills are absolute abilities that must be possessed by all participants because the rise academy program has a solid program. Moreover, not a few participants are still taking credits on campus as long as. If they do not have a good team management, they will definitely be overwhelmed by all the tasks given. In the Team management material we are taught to think strategically by categorizing activities based on their urgency. So that we can eliminate activities that are not important. That way the time we have will be more effective. Based on my experience, the two skills taught in ILT soft skills have a significant impact on my way of thinking.


The Bangkit Academy program is held to create superior talent in the field of technology. So no wonder this program is structured with a curriculum that is different from that at the University. the materials provided are tailored to industry needs and technological developments. In this program the participants use various platforms such as Dicoding, coursera and Google cloud skill boost to learn. With the variety of platforms used, adaptability is an absolute must-have for all participants. In addition, the participants were given material about soft skills as a complement to the existing hard skills. The density of the rise activities also sometimes makes me tight to be able to catch up with the deadline of each assignment given in this position sometimes I have to study until late at night. As a result of this, it is not uncommon to experience burnout, therefore resilience skills are needed to survive in the Bangkit Academy program and be able to complete this program well. For me, coming from a non-IT background, the adaptation process was not easy. But because of my determination and resilience, I can survive until now in the Bangkit Academy program.

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