5 Ways Of Adaptability in Bangkit 2024
Hallo !!
Maybe this is the first article i wrote in LinkedIn, i want to share my journey in BANGKIT 2024. I’ll start this article to talk offer "Life is Learning“. Before i start my journey, allow me to introduce my self, i am Raden Ronggo Bintang Pratomo Prawirodirjo but you can call me Bintang. Currently, I am participating in the BANGKIT 2024 program, which is attended by students from various universities and institutes across Indonesia. Adaptability is the key to success in this program. In order to keep up with this program, I have summarized the 5 main keys to get adaptive :
1.????? way of interacting
Each of us is unique, and it's common to mistakenly assume that others are similar to ourselves. I encountered many different majors from various universities joining the Bangkit Program, but it wasn't a barrier to interacting and collaborating with them. We usually discuss and share to solve problems during our studies. Each of us is a different individual, and though we may assume others are like us, in reality, we are all distinct. This includes myself and the tens to hundreds of people I've met at Bangkit. The first step to overcoming this is learning. We must learn to interact, to understand without judgment, and to appreciate every difference in someone's personality. I take pride in being able to interact positively and leave a good impression on others. As we know, everyone has different communication styles. When entering a new environment, I always make an effort to communicate with people I haven't met yet in order to build good friendships and relationships. At Bangkit Academy, I initiated communication through the Discord application, opening myself up to getting to know my mentors, classmates, and friends from other classes. Not only through Discord, but we also communicate through Google Meet during Interactive Learning Time (ILT) sessions and weekly consultations. This enhances our understanding of each other and fosters better relationships.
2.????? way of learning
Adapting learning approaches proved pivotal in mastering technological skills during my time at Bangkit. Employing self-directed learning through platforms like Dicoding, online resources, and peer support cultivated curiosity, adaptability, and resilience, crucial for thriving in dynamic learning environments. Various avenues exist for acquiring knowledge, and to attain our initial objectives, it's imperative to effectively utilize the available support systems. Joining Bangkit provided a sense of clear direction, resembling the guidance of a structured educational institution. I aim to capitalize on this opportunity by exploring novel avenues and enhancing my competencies. Recognized universally as essential, learning is methodically facilitated at Bangkit Academy. Active engagement is emphasized through weekly consultation sessions and relevant course materials, aiding in overcoming challenges and sustaining enthusiasm for learning.
3.????? way of achieving
Adjusting my strategies to attain objectives proved crucial for thriving in the Bangkit 2024 program, characterized by rigorous projects and deadlines, necessitating honed time management and goal-setting abilities. I acquired the skill of task prioritization, breaking down intricate goals into manageable steps, and maintaining perseverance in the face of challenges. Adopting a growth mindset, setbacks were perceived as avenues for growth and enhancement, ultimately refining my capacity to achieve ambitious aims. Initially, my aspiration upon enrolling in Bangkit was to deepen my understanding of Data and its correlation with Machine Learning. I committed to this objective by diligently engaging in each course and actively participating in associated activities, recognizing the significance of every small stride in progress. I firmly uphold the belief that reaching 100% comprises the accumulation of 1% efforts. As a member of the Bangkit Academy Cohort, I am driven by distinct targets and goals, ensuring timely completion of assigned tasks and materials, while effectively managing my schedule to accommodate both Bangkit activities and other commitments in pursuit of my objectives.
4.????? way of working
Collaborating within diverse teams was at the core of the Bangkit experience, demanding flexibility in workflows, decision-making, and conflict resolution. Embracing agile methodologies such as Scrum fostered transparency, accountability, and gradual progress, facilitated by open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to compromise. I prioritize structured work by meticulously recording tasks in a notebook and addressing them one by one. Upon joining Bangkit, I focused on creating a conducive workspace and maintaining clear boundaries between work and relaxation areas, ensuring my body recognizes its limits during work sessions. Joining Bangkit Academy has been a fortunate opportunity, emphasizing the importance of adapting to our tasks and collaborating effectively within teams to achieve shared objectives. This insight has enabled me to adapt smoothly, ensuring efficient task completion without unnecessary delays.
5.????? way of thinking
Fostering my mindset has been fundamental to my journey of personal growth and advancement, serving as the cornerstone upon which I chart my course towards achieving goals and flourishing. Throughout my participation in the Bangkit program, I've wholeheartedly embraced the transition towards cultivating a "growth mindset," understanding that my capabilities and potential are not fixed but can evolve through dedication, resilience, and continuous learning. Interactions with diverse peers at Bangkit have further influenced my perspective, underscoring the importance of striking a balance between embracing growth and acknowledging the constraints of a fixed mindset as dictated by different circumstances. While the adoption of a growth mindset offers manifold advantages and instills a sense of tranquility, recognizing and leveraging the fixed mindset is crucial in understanding individual limitations. The program at Bangkit Academy has imparted me with invaluable skills, ranging from analytical thinking to fostering creativity in problem-solving, enabling me to adapt adeptly and remain receptive to new opportunities.
#lifeAtBangkit #Bangkit2024.