The 5 Ways of Adaptability in Bangkit 2023
Adaptability and Resilience

The 5 Ways of Adaptability in Bangkit 2023

Hello everyone, I'm Felix Savero from CC-23 led by Feri Ginanjar .

In this article, I would like to share what I've learned from "Adaptability & Resilience" class and how I applied the material in my life as a Bangkit led by Google, Goto, and Traveloka 2023 cohort.

1. Ways of Interacting

Bangkit 2023 cohort consists of students from all of Indonesia, so I had to adapt in the way I interacted with people. Wide range of age, language barriers, different communication preferences, different personalities are among the things that I consider whenever I speak.

Unlike my class in college, my group in Bangkit consists of students in different semesters. We also have different personalities, backgrounds, and experience.

This situation gives me a new experience, because I had only interacted with people who have similar personalities like me.

2. Ways of Achieving

"Sense of purpose" is what keeps me going no matter how difficult my task gets. In my case, my purpose in Bangkit is to build a great capstone project.

However, "sense of purpose" alone isn't enough. People work in team, just like Bangkit team and cohort. So, we have "group norms" that define everything that everyone in the team must do in order to reach the goal.?

We have a list of do's and don'ts, such as : turning on camera in class, not making unofficial groups outside Discord, and help each other study.

In my case, I always fulfill monthly milestones to keep up with the schedule that Bangkit team had provided. I also helped my classmates learn Node.js in our study group.

3. Ways of Learning

There are effective ways of learning that everyone can apply: find a mentor, participate in projects or events, join professional communities, and learn new skills. At Bangkit, I am so grateful to be provided all of these.?

I have something new to learn every day, a mentor who can guide me, a supportive community on Discord, and a capstone project that will verify my skills.

By joining Bangkit, I could improve the way I learn, as I used to learn only with close friends and I did not have any mentor to guide me.

4. Ways of Working

Bangkit is different from usual college classes. Therefore, I had to adapt with the workspace, working hours, company culture, and working tools.?

For the workspace, we use Google products such as Google Classroom.

Our working hours is flexible as everyone works and studies from home. This is beneficial for me, because it can practice me to keep my commitment in completing monthly milestones.

The company culture is very supportive for those who learn and put effort. There are Bangkit points for those who finish their monthly milestones. The points can be used to get Bangkit merchandise later. Bangkit team also make sure that the community is a safe place to learn.

Discord and Google Meet are some of our working tools. I was actually not used to using Discord, but joining Bangkit made me familiarize myself using it.

5. Ways of Thinking

There are two ways of thinking : Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset.?

Growth Mindset refers to the belief that our qualities and abilities can be developed and improved through dedication and hard work, while Fixed Mindset is the opposite.

People with a growth mindset tend to embrace challenges, persist in the face of setbacks, and see effort as necessary for mastery and success.

Since joining Bangkit, I practice Growth Mindset daily, such as changing my inner voice from "I can not do" into "I can practice and try".

#LifeatBangkit #Bangkit2023

Thanks for sharing your insight! ??


