5 Ways of Adaptability
Aqima Adalahita
Data Enthusiast | Undergraduate Information System Student at Andalas University
"Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change." — Jim Rohn.
This quote truly reflects my experience during the Bangkit 2024 program, where adaptability was key to overcoming challenges and growing personally and professionally. Through the program, I encountered different ways of interacting, achieving, learning, working, and thinking. Here are the 5 ways I embraced adaptability throughout my Bangkit journey :
In the Bangkit program, I had the opportunity to interact with fellow participants from diverse backgrounds, regions, and experiences, primarily through Discord and Google Meet. This was a new experience for me as I had to adapt to virtual interaction. I learned how to effectively communicate in English with people I had never met in person, ensuring that I built strong connections and engaged in productive discussions. This adaptability taught me how to collaborate effectively in a digital world.
"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." — Robert Collier.
The Bangkit program sets clear goals and targets for its participants. I learned to set realistic and measurable objectives, breaking down larger goals into smaller tasks. By managing my time effectively, I ensure that I can keep up with the tight schedule, meet deadlines and milestone targets, and ultimately achieve the distinction graduate. The point system in Bangkit keeps me motivated, and I continuously track my progress to make sure I'm on the right path toward success.
Bangkit offered various learning resources, including Coursera, Dicoding, and Instructor-Led Training sessions. I embraced self-paced learning by making small, consistent progress every day. Whenever I encountered difficulties, I reached out to my mentors and peers via Discord, fostering an environment of collaborative learning. This approach made learning not only effective but also enjoyable, helping me develop both technical and soft skills.
Adapting to the rigorous Bangkit schedule required significant adjustments to how I manage my time. Juggling between university classes and Bangkit coursework, I implemented a structured schedule using Google Calendar and Notion to stay organized. The program taught me how to stay focused in a remote learning environment, balancing multiple responsibilities and delivering work on time without feeling overwhelmed.
"A growth mindset transforms your obstacles into opportunities." — Carol Dweck.
Bangkit encouraged me to adopt a growth mindset. Every challenge, whether technical or personal, became an opportunity to learn and improve. Through the capstone project, I embraced innovative thinking and sought out creative solutions. This shift in mindset has allowed me to approach problems with resilience and confidence, ultimately leading to better results.
The Bangkit 2024 program has been a transformative journey that pushed me to adapt and grow. Whether it was interacting with people, achieving challenging goals, or adjusting my learning and working habits, adaptability was key to my success.
By embracing change and striving to improve every day, I have not only grown as a student but also as a future professional in the tech industry.
#LifeAtBangkit #Bangkit2024 #Adaptability