5 Vital Secrets You MUST Know To Master The Science Of Creating More Money! Less Stress! More Fun! In your business and your life.

5 Vital Secrets You MUST Know To Master The Science Of Creating More Money! Less Stress! More Fun! In your business and your life.

How Lies May Be Destroying YOUR Dreams

Many years ago, I knew this little girl. She was 4 years old. Maybe 5. This girl was an only child, growing up in middle America…one of those small towns, a rural, farming community of about 3,000 people. Zero traffic lights. Everyone knew everyone else. You know the kind of town, with a main street…called “Main Street”. You miss it if you blink

Parents didn’t worry about their children playing in the yard, even after dark. Unfortunately, for some children, the real danger lurked inside…even on sunny days.

One afternoon, this little girl is playing in her room. The robin egg blue walls are not quite cheerful, but they’re what you might see in houses all across the corn-belt. 

The sun filters in the window acting as a spotlight for bits of dust dancing on the hardwood floor. Boots, the girls little black kitten, with 4 white paws, enjoys the show so much she joins in, chasing the sparkling flecks of dust.

Lies + Loss = Manifesting Misfires

For any 5-year-old, it’s a comical performance. But today, the noises coming from the other room have the little girl’s attention. The sounds, while not overly loud are so strained…they actually have a “feel” to them. They tickle the hairs on her arms and the back of her neck. Her body absorbs the impact of the words more than her ears do.

Then the sounds become harsher, tense…intense. A strained quiet at first. But even the strain seems and “feels” loud. And then, actual loud! Voices, bangs, slams!

Boots stops dancing with the sparks of dust and dives under the bed. 

At first, the little girl is disoriented. She can’t quite fit the puzzle pieces of the screaming together in her brain. Lightning rips through her body. But, the sound this lightning makes isn’t a clap of thunder. It’s a scream of the girl’s own name. 

Over the next 15 years, it’s a scream that she will hear repeated more times than she will ever want to count. She doesn’t realize it in that moment, but it’s also a scream that in her 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, long after she’s become a mother herself, that she will be able to close her eyes and still hear. And it’s a scream that will forever change her life. It’s a scream that for this girl defines massive “loss”.

As the pieces of the puzzle come together in her tiny, undeveloped mind, adrenaline begins to course through her body. She realizes that the sound, the screaming that is calling her name and begging for help is her own mother. Over and over, and over again. Her mother is screaming her name. Begging the little girl, “help me”!

She’s shaking. She’s terrified. She creeps slowly out of her room. And she sees that the source of the adrenaline pumping screams is her mother, being attacked. She can’t quite make sense of it. Her beautiful mother is being hit, beaten, screamed at.

Boots is frantic and she runs out from under the bed, running through the living room, crazed. The attacker is furious. He picks up the tiny kitten in one hand and throws him against the wall. Boots hits the wall. Then the floor before she somehow manages to escape into hiding.

Without thinking about it, at 5 years old, for the very first time, the little girl puts on a mental “costume”. It’s a costume that she will wear much of her life. Eventually, she’ll add a defiant look in her eye and a lift of her chin. 

It’s a costume that she later comes to understand is her “role”. She can’t let what happened to Boots happen to her mother. She doesn’t have a choice. Her mother isn’t strong enough. She can’t fight him herself. The little girl runs to her mother’s rescue. Instinctively she knows that her mother is the weaker one. She has to save her. So she puts her tiny 5 year old body in front of her mother’s and assumes the role of her own mother’s protector.

In that moment — her loss becomes complete. While many would call her strong or brave, in reality she loses her true self. By placing her life in danger to protect another, she assumes the role of being “less”. Less valuable. Her world becomes smaller. 

Tears are streaming down her face. She’s screaming herself. No! No! No! Choking on breathless sobs, in that moment, she unwittingly accepts that her role in her family and for much of her life is to take care of and protect, even at the risk of her own safety and sometimes even her own life…other people. In that moment, she protects her mother from more damage and abuse and takes her first steps on a path that will last for decades.

As she grows older and perhaps a bit wiser, she learns what her 5-year-old self did not completely comprehend; she was in actual, literal, physical danger. As she grew, often the physical abuse would be accompanied by emotional and mental torture. Being held at gunpoint for hours and threatened with death became a fairly common occurrence throughout her childhood. 

The physical dramas were reinforced with Lies — angry words that cut like knives and left invisible wounds. Endless messages of — You’re not good enough. You’re not smart enough. You’re not thin enough, pretty enough. If only you were more like….. 

This little girl grows up, not knowing that her world is different from her friends, not realizing that her normal isn’t normal. She goes to college, dates, gets and changes jobs. Over time, the costume grows and changes with her, but the role remains the same. It’s a role that she plays for more than 45 years. First for her mother. Repeatedly thrusting her body between her and the attacker. Then later, without the hitting and flying bullets, for politicians, business owners, CEOs, throwing her time, energy, talents into protecting them from failure, rebuilding their falling companies, and always building their empires.

We All Have One… What Costume Are You Wearing?

When You Believe The Lies — You Lose!

Unconsciously, beginning on that day when I was 4 or 5, I accepted the loss of my true, powerful self. I believed the lies that I had been told, that I wasn’t “enough”. Later as an adult, while I was creating massive success and wealth for others, I was living in my own world of “Lack”. I had allowed myself to be trained for a role that I never wanted….and didn’t deserve.

What Is Your Story And What Are Lies Costing You?

Over the years, other people, desperate for help or protection have assumed the role of my mother. The attacker in their lives didn’t have a gun. Their “attackers” were competitors, political opponents, boards of directors or mismanaged and failing companies.

The tragedy of this isn’t that I rushed in to help them. It was that because of my “training”, the lies I’d experienced and been told, I did so each time wearing the cloak of self-sacrifice. But, unlike my 5 year old self, at 25 and 35, I was in complete control of the choices I was making.

How Can You Overcome YOUR Lies, Lack and Loss?

Living In “The Point of Power”

A Definitive Understanding of How Core Beliefs, Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions Create Your Reality

One of the things that I realized a few years ago is that I was really good at building empires for other people. Literal empires, in some cases worth hundreds of millions of dollars. But like my 5-year-old self, I was sacrificing myself for them and walking away with very little.

How is it that I could create in hundreds of millions of dollars for other people and not do the same for myself.


Because of my experiences, I was convinced that I was “less than”; quite literally expendable. At my Core I did not believe I was good enough. Those Core Beliefs created energy (feelings*) in my body, that sent messages to the universe blocking much of the success I wanted. All of the things that I’d been told growing up created massive self-criticism. My thoughts of failure, inadequacy and more were a never ending stream. Those thoughts lead to extremely negative and critical mind emotions*.

Note: Your body is an energy receptor. It is designed to give feedback and information. Think of a time when the hairs on your arm or back of your neck tingled. Or when you had an uneasy feeling in your gut. Those feelings of warning or joy are your body’s guidance system, giving you valuable information. They are also transmitting information to the universe about what you want and don’t want at a core level. Emotions on the other hand are in your mind. When someone cuts you off in traffic and you mentally lecture and swear at them, repeatedly retelling the experience to yourself or other, those are mental emotions. Or when you remember a painful experience and call the energy of it back into your mind and body. Those are emotions. Core Beliefs, Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions all transmit creative energy and are the building blocks of creation / manifestation.

Every second of every day, your body is sending energetic messages to the universe. These energies draw into your experience what you are currently getting. If you don’t like what you are experiencing, you must change the messages.

Lack Of Authenticity Hurts Your Business!

When your beliefs and thoughts are in conflict* with your words; whether they are verbal, on your website or in your brochures, people will perceive the disconnect. This lack of authenticity will cause them to not trust you. It will affect your sales and the core of your business.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: Here’s an example of conflicting beliefs/thoughts and words: You say verbally or in your marketing materials that you’re great. You have the answer. But in your core you feel and think differently. Your negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions are energetically packaged with the words you are using. Quantum physics tells us that your energy radiates out and can be felt by others miles from your body. When your words or written materials say one thing and the energy you emit says another, your prospects and clients can feel the disconnect. They may not be aware enough to know “what” the problem is. They just know there is one. And they don’t trust you. If they don’t trust you, they won’t buy from you. Period.

The legacy of my experiences is that I learned to innovate; think bigger, more creatively. 3 decades of studying, learning and practicing have led me to this point, where I now “get it” and can share this powerful information.

The 5 Vital Elements of Creating

  1. Core Beliefs are deeply held, often unconscious beliefs that direct our experiences. Often they come from family, school, church, community. Limiting core beliefs that many people experience include: I’m not good enough. Money is the root of evil. You have to work hard to succeed. When core beliefs are in conflict with thought or desires, core beliefs win every time.
  2. Feelings are the sensations you feel in your body, especially in your gut and heart. When you have a core belief that is opposed to what you want or think, you will often have a feeling in your solar plexus or heart that feels uncomfortable. Feelings are fuel on the fire of creation. They are the energy that reaches out into the world, stimulating and speeding up manifestation, whether it is desired or not.
  3. Thoughts are the ideas and conversations you have in your head. They can be positive or negative, just like core beliefs
  4. Emotions differ from feelings in that they are in your head, not felt in your body. Think of a time that someone upset you and you ran the conversation in your head over and over, increasing your emotions / anger / frustration. Those emotions reside in your head. Like feelings, they too draw experiences to you and are the reasons that “thoughts become things”.
  5. The Critical Point of Creation If you have ever heard someone say or felt yourself as thought the Laws of Manifestation do not work this is most likely the cause. However, they are like any other tool, they only work if you know how to use them. Imagine someone getting in a car and turning the steering wheel back and forth, becoming increasingly frustrated that they car doesn’t go anywhere. After a short time of sitting still, they get out, slam the door and declare that the car is broken. It doesn’t work! How different would their experience have been if they had turned the key and started the ignition.

It’s Not Your Fault

Has anyone ever explained to you how Vital Secrets of Creation actually work? How to make them work for you? I bet the answer is ‘no’. Read on. When we get to the “Point of Creation” diagram, it will al be a lot clearer.

Your Personal Relationship With Money

When I start working with clients, I first have them fill out a Business Assessment that tells me their personal relationship with money. Over the past 20 plus years, I’ve leaned that everyone has a “set point” that keeps them stuck. If they go over that point, some financial tragedy (large expense, lost job / clients, etc.) will pretty quickly bring them back down to their comfort zone. And in extreme cases, well below.

How do I know this is true? I’ve seen it happen over and over again…and I’ve personally experienced it myself!

We are all familiar with multi-millionaires who make it big only to lose it all. Sometimes repeatedly. These are cases of people whose talents in making money exceed their comfort with having it. How about you? Have you had this experience?

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.  – Anais Nin

Far more common, are people who for some reason do not believe they deserve wealth. Sadly, this is true for almost everyone with whom I work.

When you were born, you were a clean slate. A perfect, innocent being, filled with potential. The world was your oyster and you could make it what you wanted. Then, within what seems like minutes other people, your parents, siblings, teachers, neighbors and almost anyone else who entered your world began telling you all of the things that they were certain you needed to know.

Maybe it was to get a job, work hard, and save for retirement so that you could really start enjoying your life. If you happened to be born a girl, you might have been told that you should pretend not to be too smart or too capable, or not to be too good a sports or some other “masculine” activity. And if you were born a boy, perhaps it’s that you have to be in charge, don’t show too much emotion, be responsible. How about this one? Were you told you weren’t good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, or “something” enough? If you could only be more like …fill in the blank.

All of those people who told you those wonderful things have 2 things in common. 1. They lied. 2. They wanted you to live your life for them, not you. No, they didn’t lie on purpose. They believed the lies they had been told by the well-meaning people in their lives. However, if you believe their lies and are trying to live those lies, you’re not living for you. You’re not living your life. You’re living theirs. And it’s not just one “they”. It’s dozens.

One of the big problems here is that all of those people telling you who to be and how to live is that they couldn’t all quite agree on what “they” wanted you to do and be. You, the uniquely, fabulously wonderful you got completely lost in the mix. So this isn’t about blame, it’s about getting back to the clean slate that is you


Understanding this is vitally important to your success. Please do not skip or minimize this section.

Beliefs Trump Thoughts — How They Work

Have you ever wondered, when someone says “your thoughts create your reality” or “your thoughts become things” do they mean that if you think about ice cream, it will magically appear in your hand? Or if you think about a car wreck, you’ll immediately crash? Of course not!

Quantum physics has scientifically proven that both your thoughts and your words have energy that radiates out from you and attaches to experience, people and things. Your thoughts and your words and especially your beliefs do dramatically affect your life and your business.

When you think something joyful your body sends out vibrational waves to the universe and like a magnet it attracts joyful experiences into your life.

Try this. Think about something that hurt you or made you angry. Remember that experience. What were your thoughts at the time? Did you complain to anyone about it or re-live it in your head?

Notice what is happening in your body. Do you feel a tightness in your gut? Anger? Hostility? All of those feelings are activating magnetic energy. Those waves radiate out and like a magnet draw similar experiences into your life.

Now here’s the important part.

What if you think “I want to close 50 deals this month!” or “I want to be rich!” And, you’re excited about it. The thought of riches, homes, cars, travel is extremely joyful. It should come to you easily right?

But what happens if when you were a child, you were told repeatedly that you were too stupid to amount to anything. Or that you weren’t good enough. Or you didn’t deserve good things. Or that your family was poor or middle class and that’s just the way it is.

As you read these words, please pay attention to what you are feeling in your body, especially your solar plexus (gut) and heart.

In your head, you may know that that is just plain wrong, but on some level, in your body, in your gut, you might just believe it. Or perhaps you’re afraid that even though it sounds absurd, it just… might… possibly… be true.

That is how core beliefs take over and create your reality and why it’s important to completely eradicate them from your mind and body.

In our Universe, your point of power is in the now. You cannot manifest in the past or create in the future. You can only create in the now. But when you take a past negative experience or a future fear, you bring it into your now. It becomes your point of creation.

One important myth that affects most entrepreneurs is a belief that because they are good at what they “do”, they are then also good at growing their business. They mistakenly believe that loving what they do and providing the products and services that they offer will be enough to ensure success. For most, this is not the case. Very different skills and expertise are required in most instances.

This is especially true of new entrepreneurs who are attempting to grow their first new business.

Recommendations For Changing Core Beliefs, Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions

When we believe something, we as humans tend to focus on that belief, to the EXCLUSION of the many other probabilities that are available. In reality, however, beliefs are NOT real. They are merely the energetic charge we have given to and receive from something with which we have identified (sometimes very strongly). 

Important: What happens in reality is that that belief causes us to be aware of only information or activities that support those beliefs. Any information or experiences that do not fit the particular belief fall away and often are completely unnoticed. 

Like a debater who is posing an argument in favor of his position, he only uses statements that support the position he has taken. All statements that go against that position are ignored.

Take for example a person who is ill or has illness in their family ancestry. There is at some level a “belief” that they will or have a strong propensity to suffer the same illness. As a result, they are consciously and unconsciously aware of aches, pains or any other symptom of the feared illness. Each time they experience even the slightest indication of such, there is a mental process that notices even small discomfort and follows through to a thought of “I wonder if……(the illness is beginning).

At the same time, and equally important: strength, good feeling, physical wellbeing is not similarly acknowledged. One does not on a regular basis acknowledge every clean, deep breath or every pain free step, or dance of joy and also say “wow, I feel so great, there is no sign of illness in my body, I am pure health.” (or similar verbal or mental acknowledgement). These things that do not support the “belief” remain completely unacknowledged.

This is important to note: When you have a belief, thoughts and feelings that are opposite of your belief tend to not enter your awareness. Only evidence that supports the belief does.

Beliefs — Even unconscious or false beliefs:

Attract supporting data for that belief

Supporting data reinforces belief, strengthening the barrier against new 

 evidence that conflicts with the belief

Data that does not support belief is unacknowledged and/or deleted 

 (often unconsciously)

You then begin to think more thoughts and speak more words in support of that belief. When you feel that “twinge” that maybe, could possibly be the dreaded disease (or really could just be gas) you then actively think the thought. If you’re talking on the phone or speaking with a friend, you make a comment and possibly engage in a full-blown conversation, with strong emotions and fears. 

It is in this way that people say that “your thoughts and words create your reality”. In fact they do. And strong emotion, is fuel on the “creative fire” that both strengthens and speeds the delivery of the creation. However, thoughts and words are NOT the first step in the process.

So, how do you correct this? This is the important part. When you notice that you have a fear or a belief that you do not desire, actively open your awareness to information that supports the belief you do want to have. Allow to enter your consciousness those thoughts and “evidences” that do not support your negative belief.

Here: You believe that you will or have a strong propensity for the family disease. Naturally your energy connects with information that supports that belief. Gently, but purposely release this “information” from your thoughts. Do not aggressively suppress it (which only makes it stronger) but rather refocus your thoughts and activities to something pleasing and joyful.

Open your awareness to information that is in support of what you desire. Again, do not be aggressive and “hunt down” the information, but ask that examples of health be shown to you and then be open to receive them. Notice in your body every place where there is well-being and good feeling. Allow that wellbeing and health to expand.

As you begin this process, this is where the magic begins. As you begin to change your focus to your well-being, more evidence of that well-being will be given to you, which will support both the belief in health and the actual health. The cells of your body, instead of receiving the energetic charge of illness, will now begin to receive the energetic charge of health.

For a time, you may have equal parts of evidence of well-being and of illness, but if you allow the process to support the belief that you desire, the feelings and evidence of health will overtake those of disease. Soon you will be receiving supporting thoughts of health and those of illness will be so minimized as to not come into your awareness at all.

As you both consciously and unconsciously “feel” the belief in wellbeing, you then “become” that healthy, well body that you desire and your cells then begin to energetically connect with the evidence that supports the new desired belief.

Important Note: As beliefs are supported and evidence of their correctness flows to you, the focus of the belief also comes to you with ease. Consequently, undesirable beliefs, supported by undesirable evidence flow to you. Similarly desirable beliefs that are supported by evidence that support the desired belief also flow to you with ease. It is important to remember that health and wellbeing will come to you not only with equal ease as did the illness and lack, but with, in fact, greater ease because the “natural” and “intended” state is for wellness and wellbeing. To achieve illness you must push the boulders of negative belief up a hill of wellness in order to achieve un-wellness. Opposite of this is the simplicity of allowing the snowball of wellbeing to fall effortlessly from the top of the mountain, picking up speed and greater wellbeing as it travels.

While the above example related to physical health, the information applies to and the process also works with your business, your finances, relationships, etc.

Action Steps

  1. As you go through your day, become aware and make note of undesirable beliefs and thoughts. A good indicator is when you feel strong emotions.
  2. Be aware that thoughts and beliefs are merely energy that connect with energy that supports them and diminishes information or evidence that does not support them.
  3. Ask that the thought or belief be changed to a positive, desired belief.
  4. Ask that evidence of the new thought or belief be shown to you.
  5. Allow yourself to receive evidence of the new thought/belief.
  6. Think and speak ONLY of the evidence of the new thought/belief.
  7. Continue to allow the evidence of the new thought/belief to come to you until the new, desired thought/belief completely overwhelms and takes the place of the unwanted belief.

At this point the new thought/belief energetically and naturally brings evidence and experiences that support them.

It is important to note that this is not merely a matter of “forcing” yourself to change your thoughts and actions. Force only gives strength to that which you are attempting to change. This would better be termed a “refocusing and allowing”. Refocusing on what is desired with an allowing of supporting data to strengthen that belief.

See the following example.

Many are feeling discomfort and distress about the local and world economies. For those who have a belief or the beginnings of a belief that they are financially unsound or in financial danger, they are energetically receptive to “evidence” of greater financial distress. As a result of their “belief” and the energetic charge of that belief, their awareness becomes filled with stories from friends or the nightly news and elsewhere of growing financial concerns. This “evidence” strengthens the belief, which energetically connects with more “evidence”.

At the same time, stories of wellbeing and even riches do not enter into their experience. And, if they do, they are struck down with mental or verbal arguments in support of the belief and all of the evidence that “confirms” that the belief is “true”.

Turn off the news. Purposely take inventory of all evidence of all of your financial success and wellbeing. In some cases, this inventory may be simple. It may be as simple as noting that you had enough food to eat today. Or it may grow in depth to an acknowledgement that you have a home that protects you from the cold. That you have a car that gets you to work. That you have work.

Now, in the course of this inventory, you COULD also mentally or verbally note that your home isn’t what you desire or that you’re worried about the rent or mortgage. You could note that your car is old or ugly or that you want a better, different one.

Stop! Don’t do that. That merely serves to reinforce your currently held belief in lack and financial fear.

In this moment at this time, you do have a home, a car, cloths, food, etc. Turn your loving attention to those things that you do have. Express gratitude for them, however, large or small.

Now: Ask that evidence of financial well-being come to you. Note your neighbors who are doing well. Note the friend who purchased a new car. Note the competitor who just made a great sale and earned a fabulous commission! NOT with envy, but with joy, admiration and appreciation that financial success is all around you. 

As you energetically connect to the evidence of financial wellbeing, your beliefs naturally begin to change. As your beliefs morph into those of financial success, the beliefs around scarcity diminish, causing you to energetically connect with more evidence of prosperity. More thoughts and talk of prosperity brings more evidence; more evidence enhances the belief, which brings more evidence. And soon that evidence begins to flow into your own pockets.

In this way, what you focus on creates your reality. But more importantly, the positive energy that you display, increases the positive energy to which you connect, increasing your prosperity.

As you do this, it is very important to note that emotion is the “fuel” for the creative fire. As you add fear to your negative beliefs, you strengthen them as well as the speed and frequency of the negative experiences that are drawn to you.

Similarly, as you add “genuine” joy and gratitude for your positive evidence, you increase the speed and frequency of more positive experiences.

Set aside time every day, at least once, but more if possible to focus exclusively on noticing the evidence of the positive things in your life. Feel the joy of them (Note: As an example, while you may not like your car, you certainly would experience negative feelings and distress if it suddenly vanished or became unusable ~ use that perspective to help you find gratitude if you have trouble with this).

One additional suggestion to set your gratitude to a tune. Music has its own energy. The energy of music or a tune in combination with gratefulness, increases the joy and the energetic flow through your body, enhancing the flow both through you and to you.

The Point of Power / Creation

At the point of creation, your Core Beliefs, Feelings, Thoughts and Emotions are all in alignment. That is when the Universe begins doing the heavy lifting for you and when you become a powerful creator.

Core Beliefs — are deeply held, often unconscious beliefs that direct our experiences. Often they come from family, school, church, community. Limiting core beliefs that many people experience include: I’m not good enough. Money is the root of evil. You have to work hard to succeed.

When core beliefs are in conflict with thought or desires, core beliefs win every time.

Feelings — are the sensations you feel in your body, especially in your gut and heart. When you have a core belief that is opposed to what you want or think, you will often have a feeling in your solar plexus or heart that feels uncomfortable.

Feelings are fuel on the fire of creation. They are the energy that reaches out into the world, stimulating and speeding up manifestation, whether it is desired or not.

Thoughts — are the ideas and conversations you have in your head. They can be positive or negative, just like core beliefs.

Emotions — differ from feelings in that they are in your head, not felt in your body. Think of a time that someone upset you and you ran the conversation in your head over and over, increasing your emotions / anger / frustration. Those emotions reside in your head. Like feelings, they too draw experiences to you and are the reasons that “thoughts become things”.

Rebecca Colvin

Helping established brands (or future empires) forge a presence across print, TV, radio & digital. Claim your consult - mtr.bio/boudica

6 年

Amazing story, thanks for sharing ?? everything about life makes more sense.



Deberah Bringelson - International Profit-Producing Authority - Speaker的更多文章

