5 Video Marketing Challenges for Startups - and How to Fix Them!
5 Video Marketing Challenges for Startups - and How to Fix Them! [Issue #26]

5 Video Marketing Challenges for Startups - and How to Fix Them!

91% of businesses used video as a marketing tool in 2023 as revealed by this survey. And, 88% of video marketers see video as an important part of their overall strategy.

However, quite a few businesses, especially startups, still don't use video marketing for various reasons.

Here are the top 5 of them:

  1. The #1 barrier to adopting video marketing is lack of time. Nearly 33% businesses don’t use video because they don’t have enough time.
  2. 20% of businesses feel video marketing is too expensive.
  3. 15% of businesses don’t know where to start.
  4. 12% of businesses are unclear on the ROI of video marketing.
  5. And 10% of businesses feel they don't need video in their marketing strategy.

I leave the fourth point in this article because it's usually agreed that unless you try your 'luck' with video marketing ads in the market, you'll not know about ROI.

The last point merits separate discussions, so let's look at the first 3 challenges.

1. Lack of time for video marketing.

Startup businesses have to wear many hats and create many different types of contents for multiple channels, so it becomes a challenge to find time to balance everything while attending to core business activities.

Inevitably therefore, lack of time to create video content becomes the biggest barrier for startups.

One of the most time-consuming part is about coming up with ideas, and deciding how to give shape to that, what tools to use, and so on. The pre-production stage is both crucial and time-absorbing.

One of the best ways to tackle lack of time is to create video content by customizing designs already available in the market.

It makes sense for the startups because this also to a large extent mitigates the problem of costs for video marketing ads discussed next.

Customizable designs are good, in fact they are very good, but all businesses can conform to this. Which is why it's a good idea to chalk out an effective video strategy.

2. Inadequate funds to create video marketing content.

Let's first look at what the major expenses are for making video content.

Keep in mind, this estimate is mainly about outdoor or indoor video shoot that involves participants from different fields.

With that in view, a realistic breakdown of expenses is mostly under the following heads (source). Knowing this can help firming up a budget.

  • 18% for on-camera talent
  • 20% for pre-production
  • 24% for production costs
  • 20% for post-production
  • 18% for video promotion & distribution

What emerges is that less than one-fifth is accounted for actual advertising while the rest is meant for making the video content.

As against the above, if you're to customize a pre-made design such as those in our ads collection, your cost will be miles lesser.

The other advantage with our designs is that you don't have to bother for lack of time. The video marketing ads ready for use, requiring only some redesign like changing texts, images, colors, etc..

Take a look at some product video ads from our collections.

9:16 Vertical Video Ad for Necklaces
9:16 Vertical Video Ad for Men's Shoes
9:16 Vertical Video Ad for Styles Expo

3. Not knowing where to start.

This often is a major challenge for video marketing. Lack of content ideas, lack of tools and lack of expertise can be powerful bottlenecks singly or when combined together.

Being unable to do something can lead to growing resistance to even making a beginning, and finally can result into shunning that altogether.

The solution is to try something that is easily achievable, something that demands a small manageable slice of your time, effort and money.

If you are struggling with ideas for creating video contents you might consider displaying products with highest ROI, showcasing trendy products from your stock, or showcasing your brand's values.

Summing Up

Video marketing like any other marketing is like a shifting sand, and it is usually a good idea to try out different techniques to understand what can work best for your business.

Consumers’ habits are palpably indicative of their preference for video as a top-consumed media format.

Which means that overcoming the video marketing challenges will go a long way to help you meet audience demand, generate engagement, and leave a lasting impression.

Don't be left behind!


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