5 Unexpected Mindset Shifts to Become an Effective Leader Everybody Loves
Ajit Nawalkha
Life and Business Coach Co-founder Mindvalley Coach Trained 15,000+ coaches in Life and Business Over 3000+ testimonials
Leaders are certain. Leaders love the spotlight.
Leaders lead. They don’t follow.
This could be some of the beliefs you may have about great leaders.
But here’s something that may surprise you…
None of those statements is true. At least not anymore.
The truth is almost all our beliefs and ideas about leadership can be traced back to the 20th century when corporations, companies, and conglomerates were largely led by individuals rather than a collective of innovators, thinkers, and creators.
This was back when most people stayed stuck in the same job their whole adult life.
But things have changed. Dramatically.
If you want to be respected and valued, if you want to create a supportive, dynamic environment that brings out the best in your employees and team members…
If you want to succeed as a leader in the new millennium, you need to ditch dusty, old ideas about leadership.
Here are 5 game-changing - often surprising – mindset shifts you should adopt, so you can become a phenomenal leader everyone loves.
Mindset Shift #1: You’re ready to forgive
Forgiveness. This is something many of us rarely experience in our work life, especially if we happen to work with bosses who insist on clinging to 20th-century leadership ideals.
But here’s the thing...
We’re human and humans make mistakes.
Your employees or team members are bound to drop the ball sometimes.
When this happens, you have a choice.
You can reprimand, admonish and create a lot of fear, stress, and doubt as a leader or you can pick the positive option that leads to positive results.
Understand that when you let go and forgive them for unforeseen errors and mishaps, your team members will love you for it.
Letting go and moving past mistakes will inspire your team to work harder and go above and beyond what you expect from them.
As long as you know that a mistake is a genuine error – not caused by undue careless or uncaring behavior – forgiveness is the best way to handle it.
When you do this, you’ll create a thriving business environment that inspires creativity and success.
Mindset Shift #2: You’re okay with ‘fessing up
How about when you make a mistake? What do you do then?
Old school bosses often resort to hiding or “covering up” their mistakes. The worst ones won’t hesitate to point the finger at someone else rather take ownership for their blunders.
But a truly great leader is unfailingly fearless about owning up to their faults and slip-ups.
Doing this shows your team that you have integrity. It shows them you’re human too.
This builds a powerful bond that will inspire an overarching feeling of trust and authentic connection.
Mindset Shift #3: You’re open to new ideas
Extraordinary leaders are always open to change and innovation.
When you create an environment that welcomes new ideas from everyone on your team, you’re creating a powerful container that supports and cultivates collective intelligence.
An ongoing open invitation for ideas from team members also encourages them to feel proud of their work and take ownership for their contribution.
Allowing ideas to flow from every one of your team members creates fertile ground for phenomenal cutting-edge insights and transformations to arise.
This is how legendary products and businesses are made.
This is how legendary leaders, lead.
Mindset Shift #4: You step away from the spotlight
It’s tempting to claim the spotlight as a leader.
It’s tempting to accept all of the credit and the rewards that come with achieving goals and building a great business.
But if you want to be the type of leader who can inspire positive transformations in their business and in the people you work with…
You must resist these temptations.
Great leaders are more than happy to share praise and recognition with their team and their employees.
Some of the greatest leaders in the world are more than happy to give all the credit, for a job well done, to their team, while they remain in the shadows.
This is an important trait in an extraordinary leader who knows that when all is said and done, it’s not about the praise and the accolades…
It’s about getting the results you’re looking for.
Mindset Shift #5: You don’t care about being at the top
We all want to be the boss.
We believe it gives us a sense of freedom and control.
We like to think that being a leader means we finally made it.
We’re at the top.
It’s a position that gives us power and inspires respect.
But here’s the thing…
Power is meaningless when no one wants to work with you and respect cannot be claimed as a right…
It must be earned.
Leaders who use their position to get their way receive neither respect nor recognition.
But leaders who are focused on working with others, creating great results and treating others well, will be hailed as heroes.
They’re the ones everyone wants to work with.
They’re the ones who hit one goal after another.
They’re the ones everyone looks up to.
Great leaders don’t care about their position. They care only about collaboration, connection and teamwork, and that’s the secret behind their success.
Some of these mindset shifts may seem unusual but they’re important.
When you adopt effective, new ways of thinking, your team, your business partners and just about everyone who knows you will detect a positive transformation within you.
You’ll notice more and more people turning to you for advice not just in your business or work but in your personal life.
This is the mark of a powerful changemaker.
This is the mark of a truly phenomenal leader.
7 年So inspiring and useful. Thanks for caring and sharing
Great Insights to be a great leader! Thank you for sharing.
Writer - Permission Granted Today ebook series
7 年Be a collaborator and supporter and a team is far more willing to follow you. Ajit, these good points ought to apply to all of us in any position and circumstance. Thanks for spelling them out so well.