5 Types of Evidence Used to Persuade Your Audience
Global leader of instructor-led communication, presentation, sales, and writing skills training for over 50 years.
If you’re a regular reader of the Communispond blog, you have seen me write many times that persuasion is an emotional process. The way to persuade an audience is to find their pain and offer them relief for it. If they don’t feel the pain, it’s up to you to make them feel it. In a sales presentation, for example, if your product can save a customer a million dollars per year, then you have the opportunity to relieve the audience of a million-dollar cost. Pain relief like that is nothing if not emotional.
But that doesn’t mean there’s no place for evidence in your presentation. If you have the audience feeling pain and have given them a glimpse of a way to relieve that pain, you are most of the way to persuading them. And that is the time to introduce evidence. The decision-making process may be fundamentally emotional, but the audience most likely believes they make all their decisions based on facts and reason. There’s no need to muddy the waters by trying to argue with them about this self-image. In addition, evidence will help you clear away any remaining skepticism and also provide members of the audience with material they can use to persuade?their?bosses.?
Evidence for persuasion comes in five forms:
Even though evidence plays only a supporting role in the persuasive process, it will probably be the largest single section of your presentation. Be expansive with it. But don’t make the mistake of many presenters, who try to overwhelm the audience with evidence and wear down their resistance. You may indeed be able to wear them down, but bored people are not persuaded. They’re just bored.