5 Trillion Year Universal Cycle and 18 Billion Perimeter Limit

5 Trillion Year Universal Cycle and 18 Billion Perimeter Limit

The 2 biggest implications in the 3 laws of time entropy is we may be able to travel forward in time but never back by more than a few yoctoseconds. The second is the amount of energy is steadily increasing in the universe on a massive scalar of around 18 billion years.

The change of light speed every 18 billion years is a step up or down but that does not effect the total energy in the universe as the smaller gravity wave changes in oscillation to compensate. The speed of light minimum and maximums create a band in which the third energy equivalency must remain.

Thus while the third energy equivalency appears as a relative infinite increase in one or the other, one or other of the combined relativities but not both, it is in fact constant but the observational viewpoint of a time scalar measured over thousands of billions of years makes that a redundant expression.

From the point of view of being inside the cosmological scalar where the speed of light is fixed, the energy in that scalar period is increasing expressed as a total of the two relativity scalars because compared to the last scalar period one is growing bigger more than the other is reducing.

The energy is banked however in the Quanta of Vacuum between the rise and falling band of light speed possible which is a wave of longitudinal length measured over hundreds of billions of years. This debit and credit energy banking system is outside of both the Quanta of Light and the Quanta of Gravity.

This store banked outside of the universe, since while the Quanta of Vacuum acts on and in the universe it is not fully a part of it and there is therefore no equation for it, keeps the amount of energy in the third law fixed but it is expressed in the three laws of time entropy as an infinite increase of the two relativities combined.

This is because although at the end of each 18 billon year cosmological gravity wave the cycle the speed of light must go up or down, that while it must express itself in the next period as a total increase or decrease in the amount of energy in the universe, prior to this the adjustment of the amount of energy in the universe is steadily increasing. The Quanta of Vacuum may be seen as "God The Banker" that drip (energy) feed funds feed a community project out of central pool of energy held back.

Is this third energy equivalency ever fully committed? Yes that would be the point at which the maximum speed of light constant is reached, the MCL or Maximum Crest Light speed of the wave. Is there a minimum energy in the universe where for that trough period of 18 billion years the maximum energy is being banked. Yes, that is the minimum light speed possible.

I have not yet discovered a good basis upon which to hypothesize the exact figure for the high and low of the light speed constant band range nor the length of the longitudinal wave. As the gravity wave of 18 billion years may be divided into around 275 steps it may imply this multiplier is the same for the much bigger light wave cycle.

That would equate to about 5 Trillion years (18x275=4,950) which may lack much relevancy to pursue further (like the infinite decimal point calculations of Pi) and the same might be said of the next change in the light speed constant, whether it is up or down.

It is probably not possible to theorize the step until ultraluminal space ships can travel 18 billion light years. They will encounter the Zero Zero G point and after passing through that the TDA (True Directional Acceleration) starts to rise above zero again once off the floor of this trough.

At this point jumping forward in time may be a strong possibility and a problem. How far the jump forward will depend on whether the step change in the light speed constant is up or down for us in this cycle. It would make returning home difficult since there is no way back in time. Everything you knew in your old home galaxy may have moved on by some considerable period of time.

So to try and pass outside of 18 billion light years would be like sailing off the edge of the world. You have gone forward in time but to everyone else's experience you have disappeared. If there might be a way back I do not know it and it would appear to contradict the First Law of Time Entropy if it were indeed possible.


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