5 Traits of a Good Marketer
Following are some of the qualities, that I feel a good marketer has: –
1. Curious about everything
Great marketers are always curious. Curiosity comes from observation. Good marketers observe people’s behaviors – what makes them feel happy, what makes them feel special, what makes them feel satisfied and so on. They are obsessed with market behaviors and stay curious about it all the time.
They keep observing things and keep asking questions about it. They keep wondering about the reaction of the respondent if the situation was different, to understand customer’s psyche. They understand customer’s decisions, uncover their needs etc. In current times, Marketers do have access to all such research data, however, without the critical elements mentioned above, marketer is just a statistician playing with numbers on a spreadsheet.
2. Different angle perspective
Successful marketers are creative and know how to stand out from the crowd. They know how to make the offering attractive by looking at it from different angle. They are ready to take risks with creative ideas that others may find completely absurd.
Creativity simply allows a message to be remembered, which can lead to higher brand recognition and good sales. With creativity, a company can outsmart its competition with an option of not spending much.
Generally, people are left-brained or right-brained, good marketers are both-brained. They are analytically disciplined, as well as artistically creative.
3. Adaptability
The word ‘Marketing’ should be read as ‘Market-ing’ as it indicates that marketing is continuously changing. New trends and new breed of customers are evolving, which is why marketers need to be ready to react, accept and adapt quickly. If the changing environment demands a certain new skill sets, then a good marketer never hesitates to make personal and financial investment in order to develop those skills.
4. Good Salesman
Good marketers are good salesmen. They know how to communicate the message effectively. Knowing what kind of materials sales team uses can help in producing more helpful material. A good marketer thinks like a salesman who directly work with the prospects and have fantastic insight into what works, to close the deal.
5. Sense of Accountability
Lastly, good marketers always take accountability for their actions, no matter the circumstances. This does not stop them from taking risk & to think differently. They are very open to the results being investigated and are prepared to justify their work.
This sense of accountability makes them good planners and better doers. It drives them to spend numerous personal hours and money researching, reading, networking etc.