5 traits all influential people have
Thomas Wharton, CMF
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Here are the 5 traits all influential people have. Rate yourself on the following traits to determine how you can increase your influence:
- Reputation. Consider how others view you. A reputation takes time to build, and requires long-term cultivation. Are you consistently helpful? Have you been effective on projects or in your role over a sustained period of time? Do you usually have good ideas? Are you seen as trustworthy and reliable? Do people know what to expect from you? Never forget that it is very hard to mend a damaged reputation. Always consider your words and actions in terms of your reputation; it is a valuable asset in the world of influence.
- Skill set. Are you a high performer? Do people consider you extremely good at your job? Are you able to leverage those tools to take on bigger, more challenging and high profile tasks? What skills do you need to build in your job to have the tools and experience necessary to be a top achiever?
- Executive presence. Do you confidently take action? Can you make decisions with authority - even if they are small in the grand scheme of your organization? Can you assert yourself positively with those above you? Are people drawn to you, and want to follow your line of thinking?
- Likeability. Does your leadership motivate others? Do you put people at ease? Are people drawn to your presence and want to spend time with you? Do you invest time and effort in learning more about those around you, showing an interest in their lives that you can reflect back to them?
- Persuasion. Are you able to persuade others to follow you? Can you build consensus with those around you and encourage collaboration? The more persuasive you can be, the larger the circle of people you can influence to make things happen.
Thomas Wharton is President of LIFOCUS, Inc, a human resources consulting firm in Rhode Island, providing Career & Transition Coaching, Outplacement, ExecutiveCoaching, Assessments and
Leadership Development. Tom can be reached at 401.884.7959 ? [email protected]. ? www.lifocus.com ?@careercoachTW