5 top software testing trends to follow in 2022

5 top software testing trends to follow in 2022

We are living in times of drastic and unprecedented digitization. In the tech world, it is more visible than anywhere else. The change in technology requires businesses to constantly innovate and reinvent themselves.

This is doable thanks to software that is tailored-made to the client’s needs and such that makes the lives of programmers and developers less painstaking.

Let’s explore the most common trends in software testing for 2022 and beyond. Ready?


Trend #1

DevOps and Agile

Rapidly changing requirements and the need for speed call for the adoption of solutions that allow the development and delivery of the software smarter and faster.

When we talk about software testing current trends, we need to mention the testing methodologies that are all the rage in 2022.

The two most common software development testing models are Agile and DevOps. The adoption of those two solutions has been attracting interest for the past five years and will only continue to intensify in the upcoming years.

According to 35% of the surveyed developers (2022, PractiTest), migration from Waterfall to those two iterative models has resulted in:
improved developers’ collaboration and
increased the value provided to the company and its clients by the development organization.

Trend #2

Automated testing

73% of organizations have now been using test scripts and/ or test automation for their functional and regression tests. We see a tendency to involve more and more non-dedicated testers in formal software testing.

Global trends show an increase from 2% to 4% when we talk about testing done by non-testers (product owners, support, or end-users).

Test automation has also seen a 4% increase in use for data analysis only since 2020.

For more than 45% of respondents, test automation has replaced their testing effort altogether. Still, the surveyed community highlight that a better understanding of what test automation can deliver and the best practices are needed. Do you agree?

Trend #3

AI in testing

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) approaches are nothing new when we talk about software testing's latest trends.

What is new, though, is the recent advancements that allow to process of larger chunks of data and address certain concerns in software testing itself. AI/ ML algorithms help:

  • develop better test data but also
  • build better test structure via test cases and test scripts.

It is predicted that in years to come, we will see more and more applications of AI/ ML engines for pains such as quality prediction, understanding test coverage better, test case prioritization, and pinpointing the high-risk areas.


Trend #4

Codeless (no-code) testing

Software testing in the future?

Definitely codeless. In 2022, we will see more and more no-code automated testing. No need to write even a single line of code not only enhances the quality of software testing but also maximizes testing reliability and speeds up the test creation.

And what does it mean for testers?

The advantages here are even more obvious:

  • regular codeless software testing takes away the need to learn new programming languages so
  • creating new test cases but also reviewing them is easier and faster.

Not to mention the chance to allocate resources elsewhere.


Trend #5

Testing the metaverse

Whether you are a fan or not of the metaverse, more and more companies are looking to use it for technological advancement. When we talk about software testing new trends, testing metaverse is a hot topic in 2022.

Software testing engineers are already seeing a growing demand for AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality) testing.

No wonder – AR/ VR software testing allows companies to:

  • get rid of performance bottlenecks and
  • detect flaws and bugs in software architecture, interface design, and logic.


Software testing trends – zoom into quality

To know what software test automation trends are is one thing. The other one is using the knowledge of the upcoming software testing trends to your benefit.

Let’s move beyond testing (technology) and combine it with knowing your customer and improving their experience (methodology).

Continuous improvement of your software through testing that addresses the business processes and specific needs brings the improvement of the end product or service.


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