5 Top Qualities of a Great Leader

5 Top Qualities of a Great Leader

Leadership?have evolved over time?through the ever-changing environment and needs.

Great?leaders are passionate about?nurturing?the emerging leaders around them.?They constantly work to improve?their emotional intelligence and?understand?that a strong team culture is the foundation for accomplishing?the?mission.

Below are 5 Top Qualities of a great leader;

Articulate a?Clear Vision

A great leader posses a clear vision, is courageous?in actualizing the vision?and?has??humilityand?a?clear focus. He or she?is a strategic planner and believes in teamwork. Great leaders help people reach their goals, are not afraid to?work with?people that might be better than them and take pride in the accomplishments of those they help along the way.

Authenticity & Self-Awareness

To become a great leader is to be self-aware enough to understand your strengths and your?weaknesses, and to build an authentic leadership?brand?that's true to who you are and how you do your best work.

Build?and Maintain Meaningful?relationships.?

The ability to form productive connections is a key quality of a great?leader. Strong?leaders aren’t threatened by other?people. Instead of guarding their territory, they?are constantly building bridges with others.?They?know the value of mutually beneficial relationships, and actively seeks them out.

Great?leaders interact with other people in a way that feels genuine.?They?demonstrate empathy, engaging in active listening, and building meaningful working relationships with those around?them, whether they are a peer or a direct report.

Continuous Improvement

A great?leader?invests in?continuous learning.?They put their?personal development first.A great leader is?always willing to help?team members?to develop new skills or improve upon a weakness, be able to identify and implement strategies for?enabling?the organization as a whole?to?grow.

They are?able to look?internally?and identify the areas they would like to work on - and then act on them.

Ability to Embrace??Failure?and Explore new Opportunity?

No matter how hard you try to avoid it, failures will happen and that’s okay. You just need to know?how to respond to them.

Great leaders take them in strides. They remain calm and logically think through the situation and utilize their resources. What they don’t do is fall apart and reveal to their team how worried they are, which leads to negative morale?and?fear.

Leadership Coaching with Zainab Njoki


