5 Top Interview Tips From A Human Resource Manager

Hello job seekers out there, this is your fellow interviewer from HR with some helpful tips to guide you through the next interview with ease and success. You see, a lot of you try to figure how I think or what questions I would ask during the interview. This is a bad start and a waste of good energy. Try to focus on you and what you are bringing to the table because your job is to convince me how badly you want the position and my job is to hire you. With that said I am going ante up a few interview for job tips for you to consider.

1. I am human also.

Why do you get so nervous during the interview? I know you are human and interviews can be tricky but try to relax. I am human also so try to be at ease and connect with me. Try to break the ice and tell me about the weather or your favourite sport. It is the best opener for any interview and remember the next time you come to see me for a job, think of me as a friend.

2. What do you bring to the table?

What do you have to offer? I like to hear when you can tell me what you can do for my organization, as much as I want to know how well you did in your previous job or jobs, I would like you to tell me how you can use those skills and experiences to help my organization especially if you tie these in with the job description.

3. Why are you late?

"Sorry, I am late."

This is not a good opener and will eliminate your only chance at the job. I have no tolerance for tardiness and it shows blatant disrespect. My belief is if you are late for the interview you will be late for the job. However, you will impress me if you arrive early, at least 10 - 20 minutes before.

4. Have you done your research?

What do you know of my organization? I am really impressed when you can tell me what you found out about my organization. This is your chance to convince me that you want to work for here. I would also like to hear how you can tie your skills in areas of my organization that needs improvement.

5. Is it important to call me after the interview?

I would love to hear from you. Why? It shows that your interest for the job is not done after the interview. A phone call can get you the job, yes that easy. Do not wait too long, if I am busy by all means leave a message and even if you think you did poorly at the interview, reiterate your good points and tell me again why you want to work for the organization.


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