5 tool confidence boost manual
Joanna Trew
Business Coach / Business Mentor + Growth Specialist - Future Planning - Strategies - Communication - Problem Solving ?? When you're overwhelmed / overworked / missing out ?? speak to me and lets work on it together ??
How easy it is for you to communicate exactly what you want?
If you sometimes struggle then this list is for you, because the next time you wish you had more confidence, you can use these tools, increase your confidence in making decisions and strengthen your skills as a business owner and a leader. This is one of the many benefits of executive coaching when you keep working on your personal development, whether you are in the construction industry, a property investor who is looking for momentum, or any other executive decision making role.
The impact of your own personal confidence on your business is very big, and if you wish to read further check Psychology Today explaining it in more detail.
Do you sometimes struggle with hesitation?
Or procrastinate in your decisions?
Below is a tools list of 5 things to do that will begin your path to more confidence:
1. Accomplishment List
You can start writing this list with one or two things you have done in your life, add a few things you have and then add the experiences you had over the years regardless of your age.
Here you include things you have done for your family and friends, also people you helped and projects you completed.
According to Forbes magazine, the neuroscience of writing it down allows your brain to add more power and momentum to whatever task you are doing. This tool allows you to see much more clearly all that you already had the strength and confidence to achieve, how much work went into it and how many things you have done well.
Like a well done list in a way, and that pat on the back many of us forget to give ourselves…it increases your business confidence and your personal one too.
2. Your Strengths
Most of us know how to analyse our businesses according to strengths and weaknesses, but how often do you think about your own strengths?
What are you really good at in business, in life, in communicating?
What compliments do people give you?
Think of at least 5 strengths and note them down to really seal in your confidence in these areas and make it a reminder of all that you can do instead of can’t. Nice and easy one to do quickly.
3. Understand Your Process
How do you get results? Does it take time and patience, or do they come quickly?
What are your routines while working and during your personal time?
How do you learn and what kind of information is easiest for you to understand and remember?
Brian Tracy, my favourite time management and sales coach, has a tool for identifying your own learning style to help you to discover even more about yourself.
When you understand yourself better, it is much easier for you to accept the process you go through to accomplish your goals. This is also your individual path as a leader and an executive, to getting more confident in choosing the methods you use, including using coaching sessions to accomplish your goals and results.
4. Think of your Followers and Supporters
Who are they?
Who was there when you really needed them?
Who could you not do without, to do all that you have done?
Who has helped you the most?
This exercise allows you a moment to think of all the people around you who believe in you. The ones who have been there cheering you on, gave you advice and the help you needed when you asked for it, and sometimes even without you asking. Even if recently that was only via LinkedIn or Facebook…
Do you feel more confident knowing there are at least a few of them you can always count on?
5. Reflect on Your Failures
How often do you analyse over and over what happened? What went wrong?
What do you take out of it?
Do you ask yourself: what will I do differently next time?
Do you learn from your mistakes?
It’s a hard question to answer sometimes, as automatically we want to say yes, but how many times have we gone through a loop of similar behaviours thinking the outcome will be different? (in the long term that is often called the definition of insanity). A British view on failure is mentioned and portrayed in a short article by This is Money, outlining why we should take more risks and the learning benefits of failing for our businesses.
Look forward on your failures in a way that helps you to see what else happened instead. What did you gain after 6 or 12 months, also on what you can do to prevent it from happening again.
Bonus tool: what gives you energy?
This one is not the hardest one, but sometimes requires thought to figure out what it is that makes you feel:
· Rested
· Refreshed
· Recharged
· Recovered and also
· Full of ideas and solutions
(A few tips on how you can have more energy by Harvard Health)
Also this tool is here to end this list on a positive note and to encourage you to use these tools and to start making a difference in your own confidence, which will impact your business, your personal life and your choices as a leader.
Which one of these can you do today?
These are some of the best and most effective tools I use with my executive coaching clients, based on their feedback and long term results. Everything takes time when it comes to personal development, but you can start today and become a master of confidence much sooner!
This manual was inspired by the incredible book by Esther Cameron, and I am glad I got to share it with you, because that’s one of the ways in which I can help you stay motivated and get the results you want.
NEXT STEP is to sign up to my 5 Skills Complete Manual on Growth, and you will get more actionable tools and tips to use daily
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