5 tips for writing a web copy that works

5 tips for writing a web copy that works

That delicious smell you get when you enter your favourite bakery. The excitement you feel when you hear the first bars of that song you love. And the way a good copy catches your attention in just a few words. Like a sort of magic, it all just clicks on you... but there are a bunch of reasons behind making it happen.

Copywriting is all about well-written content focused on advertising or marketing. And a good copy knows how to boost sales and knowledge. Start mastering your web copy with these 5 essential tips, and your audience will never miss a single slice of your content!

1. Know (and appeal to) your audience

Solid copywriting must be both catchy and valuable. Your buyer persona needs to fulfil when they start research online. Define the audience and purpose for your content before you begin to write:

  • What is the page for?
  • Who is the reader, and what do they want?
  • How did the reader arrive, and what do they know already?
  • Where will they move next?

Have strong opinions backed by experience and knowledge. Take a stance and defend it (as long as it’s relevant to the brand, using in-house expertise).

Your copy should be easy to read, but don’t forget to show some good expertise between the lines.

Always do your best and offer them quality content. Time is precious, and we’re sure you don’t want your website bounce rate to grow... Attract their focus and make them stay on your site for as long as possible! (Oh, and don’t forget to ice the cake with a good call-to-action).

2. Avoid sounding smart...

It’s all about humans looking for content written by humans. Your copy should be all about being smart throughout your ideas instead of sounding smart without offering any accurate and valuable insights. Weave your story into your content by backing up your points with personal experiences and anecdotes.

It’s always a good idea to be authentic and close to your audience using an accessible language: it boosts engagement and leads to better brand perception.

3. ...but keep it (a bit) technical

Reduce language complexity, not technical accuracy. Keep any actual technical language your audience uses and understands. Remember that your buyer persona is probably visiting your website after previous research, so they always know where to move and what they are looking for.

Regularly discuss cutting edge trends that your audience might not have encountered yet and give your take on them. Your copy should be easy to read, but don’t forget to show some good expertise between the lines.

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4. Arrange your content and make it visual

2.000.000 new blog posts are written every day. How will yours stand out? Don’t hide your best play until the end of the game. Show it upfront and make sure it shines.

Excellent visual content does not only throw fantastic images in the mix. It’s more about proper formatting that helps readers dive into your copy:

  • Avoid text bricks! Divide your paragraphs into short chunks; it’s much easier to read (4 sentences max).
  • Shorten sentences by deleting any unneeded parts.
  • Simplify your language by removing jargon.
  • Change passive voice for active voice.

?5. Make it eye-scannable

Let's face it: we don't have time to read (or we don't want to). On average, only 28% of the text is read on the internet... so we scan read.

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Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page, identifying specific words and phrases to find a particular answer or grasp the basic main idea. We do it to detect the context in the introductory paragraphs by reading the first sentence. We subconsciously look for words in bold or separated texts.

If you plan to write a wall of text and expect your buyer persona to read it thoroughly... think again!

6. BONUS: Don’t (ever) forget SEO

Ahh, the art of writing champions facing soulless Google robots analysing headlines, extensions, and tags. Getting both in balance is our biggest challenge. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is all-around your website. Your copy needs to go along straight if you want your content to be easily indexed and organically promoted on the first results when your reader searches for it. These are the main components to consider, among many others:

  • Title: appears in search engine results and at the top of your window. Big ranking factor. (50-60 characters max.)
  • Description/snippet appears on the search engine to promote your link. Minimal ranking impact, so be creative. (<160 characters).
  • H1 header: your main page heading – key for users and search. Must reflect your copy’s core idea.
  • H2, H3 and H4 headers are essential for scannability and search. Ensure that you say something meaningful.
  • Synopsis paragraph: settles your reader in and clarifies why they should read on. Make it compelling and straightforward (it can be the same as a snippet or different).

At Intracon, we have expert copywriters that can assist you or your company communicate impactfully. Feel free to contact us so we can understand how we can help you!


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