5 Tips or Working From Home
With the current state of the world, it has never been more important for us to address this.
For some people, working from home… without structure, and the usual commute, and routine, and work colleagues, and the boss, has the potential to be an absolute nightmare!
I’ve always maintained that working from home requires level 10 discipline, and organisation like never before. Not only do you now have to schedule your usual working day around things that you didn’t have to before..like the kids?!, but you also need to still maintain your regular work pattern and performance.
Below you will find my top 5 pieces of advice for working at home
1.Get your setup right –
This is top of the list for a reason. Get this right and you are almost there. Your laptop/PC being in a dedicated space (albeit small) can make a real difference. Then get your phone and internet access dealt with. For the time being, this is now your place of work and should be treated as such.
2. Maintain your usual working hours –
Whilst this can be a bit different for those of us who work from home already, anybody that has been recently confined to a home based work place, needs to keep an eye on this.
Getting stuck into your work and losing the ability to switch off can be a problem and can do more harm than good. Set an alarm on your phone if you need to, whatever it takes, make it routine whilst you are working at home.
3. Schedule time to get outside
This is a BIGGIE. You could very easily get lost in your own home right now. No commute to work, no school run, shopping probably delivered!
This makes a trip into the garden, or a walk around the block (observing social distancing guidelines,obviously) can have a real impact on your health and well being and you probably need to schedule this. Not only for yourself but for those around you too.
It’s often said that Emotion comes from motion… and it’s so true.When was the last time you felt bad after a relaxing walk? or even more, a high energy workout?
Keep that motion going, it’s instrumental in your mood.
4. Stay Connected
In this world of ever changing and ever improving technology, there is absolutely no reason to feel disconnected at times like this. Microsoft teams for your work colleagues.. Whatsapp, faceTime, Whatsapp video, Webex Video Conferencing.
The list goes on… you really can stay connected during these times, and it’s important that you do!
Not only for the purposes of work either, stay connected to your family, friends and all relatives during this difficult time. It matters most right now.
5. Don’t judge yourself too much
Over the next few weeks and months, there are going to be times when you feel like it is all getting too much. Home schooling the kids, trying to keep on top of work and bills and friends and colleagues… and… and….
I would urge you to remember that we are currently going through something that we had absolutely no time or opportunity to prepare for … we didn’t know what was coming or how it was going to affect us and the whole world is just doing the best it can in disgustingly difficult circumstances. we are all winging it.
Nobody knew how far this would go, and still don’t. You are doing the best you can, and that is enough… you are enough. No matter how you feel right now, it will pass, give yourself a break. Don’t worry about the kids homework, focus on helping them through this time, they need your love more than ever right now.
Over the past week, I have seen more humanity in the world than ever, and that can’t be a bad thing… Community spirit (at a distance!)