5 Tips When Creating Video With Your Phone.
You understand the benefits of incorporating video for your business.
You’re ready to begin creating video content and have decided to use your mobile phone to achieve this.
To help you, I’m going to share 5 tips that will assist you in making those videos better, without having to use any editing software.
Within your industry you have an opinion, and you want to voice that opinion.? There are different ways to do this, and video is but one.? The following five tips I’m going to share with you will help you create, visually, quality videos using nothing more than your mobile phone.
Before we get into the tips there are some decisions that you need to make.
Understanding these four key points will assist in the overall aesthetic, experience, and engagement of your videos.
My 5 Tips.
Ease of set up.
You’re a busy person, you understand the benefits of producing video content, but video creation isn’t your area of expertise, and it’s not the main source of your revenue, so why make this difficult for yourself.? Keep the set up as simple as possible, and I say this for two reasons.
Keep your lighting set up simple.? Use available light, or a single light to begin with.
Depending on where you are shooting your video will determine what type of light source you use.? For example, if you’re outside, then the available light will be your friend as it’s one less thing for you to have to concern yourself with, it’s in abundance and it’s free.? If however you are filming inside, then the ambience of the room you’re using needs to be considered.? The most natural light is the available light, so if you can position yourself next to a window this is great, unless you record at night!? If natural light isn’t an option for you, then you will need to invest in a good light.? You don’t have to break the bank, a good sized ring light will do the trick and will offer a good balance.
You will of course be restricted to the type of look you can achieve, so if you’re looking to create something a little more dramatic or edgy, then additional lights may be required, but the same rule applies when it comes to ease of set up.
Length of videos
With so much at our fingertips to distract our minds, people’s attention span’s are becoming increasingly shorter, so to give yourself a fighting chance, in the beginning I would suggest keeping your video’s as brief as possible.? When first starting out, bear in mind you are unknown, and therefore I would recommend keeping your video’s under thirty seconds.? Once you have built your community, then people are more likely to hang around for longer periods of time.
Look at the camera.
When talking into your phone it’s easy to talk at the screen, as this is where the moving image is, but try to avoid this and look into the camera.? The reason for this is when you play it back, if you look at the screen, you appear to be talking slightly off screen.? By looking into the camera the effect is that you are talking to the viewer.
Another point worth bearing in mind is the difference between talking at the face of your phone or the back.
For what you’re mainly going to be using your mobile device for when it comes to recording yourself, there is really only one thing to consider when deciding whether you talk to the camera on the back or the face of your device.
If you struggle to talk to the face of your device without looking at yourself on the screen, then I would suggest that you use the camera on the rear of the device, as this simply removes the temptation to look at the moving image.
Talk to the phone like you would as though you were having a conversation.
Hold The Phone Up.
One thing I’ve noticed when I watch people talking into their phones, particularly on LinkedIn, is that they always hold the phone down.? This isn’t how we converse with another person.? I would like to think that you are head-up looking into their eyes and talking to their face.? So why would you do the opposite when recording yourself with your phone.? Hold the phone up and talk to it as though you were conversing with another human being.
When starting out in creating videos for your business, by applying these 5 tips, you will develop a good foundation that you can build upon as you become more confident in front of the camera.? After that, there are no limitations, so go hit record.
Until next time,
Be Creative. Be Inspired. Be You.