5 Tips and Tricks Before a Photoshoot

5 Tips and Tricks Before a Photoshoot

When it comes to photoshoots, it’s very important that you should prepare for coming to the shoot. Of course, no one is flawless and picture perfect and photographers will use light retouching but, to minimise the stress photographers go through with the whole process of retouching, it would be super helpful if you models out there give your photographer a helping hand and do some prepping! You may not realise it but, there is some major work that goes on in the post production (after the shoot). So here’s some things to do to help save time for your photographer and also things to do to make it easier for you.

#1 Maintain your healthy gorgeous face!

It can take a while to even and clear the skin in the post production and have a clean and healthy skin really makes a big difference in your pictures pre and post production. In order to achieve this, you should sleep for at least eight hours every night. Lack of sleep or bad sleeping patterns can result in fine lines, wrinkles and dark circles around the eyes.

To have clear skin you should also exfoliate. Exfoliating will help remove dead skin cells and will leave the pores on your face clean and unclogged from dirt, makeup, and oils. To also maintain a clear skin it is beneficial to drink at least 8 pints of water every day. This will help detox and flush away the toxins (green tea also works!)

#2 Wear comfortable clothes 

Of course, when it comes to the actual photoshoot you will be wearing these awesome clothes but, you should come to the studio or location in comfortable, baggy clothes because it will be a whole lot easier on you to remove and change into different clothes and the baggy clothes won’t rub off your makeup.

Wearing comfortable clothes will also be beneficial if you will be sitting in the styling chair for more than an hour having your hair styled and makeup applied. If you will be sitting for hours then you will definitely be grateful for wearing them!

#3 Remove or groom your hair 

For you male models out there with facial hair, you have the choice to keep your beards and moustache or remove them. If you choose to keep it then you need to maintain and groom it. For you male and female models, when you do remove your hairs it shouldn’t be done the night before for there is a high change the skin will still be red. It should be done at least a full 2 days before your shoot. This goes for eyebrows as well, if you’re going to have them waxed or reshaped it should be done 2 days before your shoot.

#4 Prevent tan lines!  

It can be very difficult for the photographer to remove or fill in the tan lines if they become visible in the photographs. But also too much tanning in the sun or on the sun bed can be damaging and can cause your skin to age faster than what you really are and cause wrinkles! If you’re going to be doing a swimwear photoshoot and you want to look like a sunkissed God or Goddess then use a self-tanner. Self-tanning sprays and lotions are great since it lasts a while and can come off easy just by using soap and water!

You should do this after you’ve shaved/waxed and exfoliated otherwise you will scrub the tan off. If you haven’t used a self-tanner before then I suggest for you to experiment with it weeks before your shoot so then you can be a pro! Once you’re an experienced with it you will then be confident that the self-tanner will be applied properly, evenly and will look natural.

#5 Avoid deodorants and perfumes  

On the day of your photoshoot, you should shower and apply antiperspirant. Do not use deodorant. Deodorant can stain clothes so it would be wise to not wear any especially if you will be wearing clothes that don’t belong to you.

Don’t wear perfume especially if it isn’t your clothes, perfume can stain the clothes and will be highly visible on the photos and will cause extra work for your photographer to edit it out.

Do you have any tips and tricks that you do before a photoshoot? We would love for you to hear from you in the comment section below.


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