5 Tips To Transition Your Brand
How To Transition Your Brand
You’ve been in business a while now, perhaps twenty, thirty years or more. The time has come to “transition” your existing brand. Here are five tips to keep in mind when transitioning your brand and how to stay on track.
Before we start, It’s important to distinguish the difference between a “refresh” and a “transition.” A brand refresh usually consists of minor changes or upgrades, such as font styles, spacing and possibly slight colour alterations. A brand transition, on the other hand, has far more implications apart from the obvious image change.
Tip #. Make sure you have based your decision to change your brand on sound evidence. Market research would be your most accurate sounding board. Your sales force pick up all kinds of signals from customers or third-party sellers. You have noticed a decline in growth, sales and have clearly ruled out all other avenues. Your brand has had little to no alterations in twenty plus years or more.
Tip #2. Your customers are key. Whether your business to business or business to end-user, you must tell your customers/clients WHY. Why are you changing your brand? Get crystal clear on this and ensure you communicate simply and effectively “why” you are changing.
Tip #3. Have a clear campaign showing your changes. Your website, social media, company statements, press releases, invoices and email signatures. Make sure your campaign is calculated and runs for a minimum of six months to reinforce your new look and to ensure it gets “locked-in” to your customers' awareness.
Tip #4. Be consistent. When transitioning a brand, being consistent is as important as telling your market WHY you're changing. This leads on from tip #3. Make sure your different levels of communication along with your message are consistent. This will ensure a much easier and smoother brand transition.
Tip #5. Remember, there will be customers/clients who will love your change, some who are highly critical and some who are indifferent. Stick to your guns, be clear with your messaging and be consistent.
Transitioning your brand, particularly, if it is a dramatic change, is a big moment for any business. As long as your reasons are sound, factual and your messaging is consistent you will come through your transition fine and preferably stronger and entering a new phase of growth.
For more information -_______________________________________________________________
Sean Johnson is the founder of SAJ Marketing. If you're interested in learning more, then reach out and request a free personal strategy session with Sean today.
Tel.+61 407 944 477
W. https://sajmarketing.com.au
LinkedIn: www.dhirubhai.net/in/sean-saj
Thank you Lisa