5 Tips for Requesting Academic Accommodations in Post-Secondary
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Academic accommodations can play a vital role in getting students the help they need. Especially in the post-secondary environment. However, not everyone knows where to start. Here are five tips for getting accommodations in post-secondary.
#1: Start Early
When I first requested accommodations for undergrad, I was still in high school. I knew that accommodations would play an important part in my schooling, and it was advised to me that I should start early.
There is oftentimes a major rush to get accommodations at the start of the school year, but this can be a hassle. If you can get ahead of the process, you reduce the chances you won't have the accommodations you need early on.
#2: Do Your Research
Look at prior accommodations in high school and research what the post-secondary schools provide. If you have an idea of what you may need, it helps to go into the process armed with that knowledge.
#3: Stay Persistent
Sometimes, the accommodations we think we need and that are offered are not always 1:1. Advocate your position if you feel there is accommodation that you need but is not being provided.
#4: Keep an Open Mind
On the contrary to the prior point, there are sometimes accomodations we don't think we need but could very well need in future. In my case, I was recommended extra time, and I didn't think I would need it. I was always the type who finished exams well before the time they were due. Once I reached University, I realized just how much I needed this extra time.
So, if there is an accommodation recommended to you that you might not think you need, don't immediately dismiss it.
#5: Stay Connected with Accessibility Services
Sometimes, there are accomodations we won't know that we need until we get a full understanding of the ins and outs of post-secondary. Sometimes, like in the prior example, these are offered. But oftentimes, they may not. Therefore, it's important to stay connected with the accessibility department at your school in case there are any future accomodations that you may need.
These were five tips for requesting accommodation in university. If there are any other tips you'd like to share, we welcome your feedback and encourage you to comment on our social media posts!