5 Tips for Moving During COVID-19
Ujenzi Plan
Ujenzi plan a Property Management,Letting and Selling Firm which gives also consultations on Real estate sector.
Jane was in a in between a hard place and a rock, she needed to move yet there are restriction on movement and social distancing due to the COVID-19 Virus. She was wondering how she will do it!
NB- When you take extra safety precautions and minimizing social contact, you can still move safely.
Amid travel bans, widespread stay-at-home orders and social-distancing mandates, people are learning to adapt to the changes brought about by COVID-19. Countless events for sports, elections, traveling up to human movement have been rescheduled or cancelled, buy what about people who have to shift to new houses, what options do they have? Not forgetting, staying is not an option!
Ujenzi Plan has some tips to make your moving safe and stress
1 Check out the restrictions and lock down times
Make sure you fall into the correct timings on moving to avoid being caught in the wrong side of the law, in Kenya on this towns Nairobi, Mombasa, Kilifi and Mandera the curfew is from 5am to 7pm. Make sure you move in between this time and don’t forget to carry a mask.
Do your homework on the companies/moving firms operating in your area. Call to ask about sanitation procedures, whether the movers have necessary supplies (like masks, gloves) and confirm there is a reasonable cancellation policy in the event that you need to change your plans.
2 Minimize contact -If you’re working with a moving company, ask for a virtual quote and see if the company offers fully contact less service.
Avoid shaking of hands, wear mask plus don’t touch your mouth, nose, and eyes for obvious reasons .Use mobile money/payment options when transacting and avoid handling of cash from notes to coins.
3 Take extra sanitary precautions
Wear masks, gloves and adhere to the safety social distancing. If you’re hiring a moving company, they’ll likely bring similar supplies for their workers, but consider having additional hygiene/sanitizers products available.
Disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, paying particular attention to door knobs and handles.
NB - Place soap and paper towels next to sinks and hand sanitizer by doors.
4 Buy new boxes: The corona virus has been found to live on cardboard for up to 24 hours, so this might not be the time to pick up used moving supplies from stores that are recycling them. You can also use boxes that you already have in your home.
5 Be transparent and flexible
In advance of your move, reach out to your neighbors especially if you live in an apartment building and share the date and time you plan to move. This gives everyone in your direct vicinity an opportunity to avoid unnecessary contact and let you know if your timing is a problem.
NB -If you or any family members are experiencing corona virus symptoms, postpone your moving plans. Though rescheduling is a pain, the health and safety of your community comes first.
6 Help those in need and lighten your load
As COVID-19 forces school closures, industrial shutdown ,low business and a surge of layoffs, the need for anti-hunger provisions is greater than ever. Donate your shelf-stable items to a local food bank or to church, Mosques, Move for Hunger, a national organization that works with professional moving companies and their customers to feed those in need.