5 Tips for Motivating Employees
Dorian Cunion, ACC, MBA ??
Founder @ Your Path Coaching and Consulting | Executive Coach, Small Business Consultant
The key to effectively running a profitable business is motivating employees to perform their roles at a high level. For employees to perform at their best, they must be intrinsically motivated. Intrinsic motivation comes from understanding who they are, who they want to be, and how their current role can help them close the gap. Finding intrinsic motivation is a deeply personal process. Still, it can be assisted by leaders that take the time to understand employees' goals and help them to see how their goals can be accomplished within their organization. Leaders that help employees identify how their work connects to their vision for the future can create higher levels of commitment and personal accountability. Higher levels of commitment and accountability will lead to employees working hard to accomplish company objectives because they understand how their success is linked to the company's success. Former MLB Coach Yoga Berra once said, "If you know where you're going, it's a lot easier to get there." This is as true in business as it is in baseball. When you help your employees develop a clear vision of where your company is going and the benefit they will receive from excelling at their role, you create an environment where employees want to thrive because they know they will win, as the company wins.
Be clear on the company's mission and vision.
The first step is ensuring employees understand your business's vision and mission. This understanding needs to be clear, aspirational, and values-based. Managers often view vision and mission statements as empty words that do not provide much value to the day-to-day operations of a business. This could not be further from the truth. Vision Statements offer employees a picture of what a company wants to be. At the same time, a mission statement details why the work that is being done is essential. By providing your employees with the what and the why of the company existing, they can better find purpose in their work within the company. Employees' commitment and motivation are highest when their vision for the future and purpose in working align with the needs of the company. By consistently communicating the company's vision and mission statement, managers can help employees understand how central both are to everything the company does. This lays the foundation for the employee to connect the dots between their role and the company's overall success.
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