5 Tips to Know When Developing a Website for Your Business
Sourav Basak
Works at Accenture | Guest Posting Specialist / SEO Backlink Expert / Content Marketing Strategist - namasteui.com, reblogit.com and entrepreneurhow.com | WritoMeter.com: Content Writing Services Provider.
In today’s digital age, a business website is more important than anything else. If you aren’t online, then where are you, really? This is a valid question to ask yourself as a business owner because 97% of consumers today look for local businesses and services online.
That’s almost 100% of your potential customers that could be missing out on your services/products if you don’t have an established online presence.
So, what goes into developing a website that not only looks good, but garners the right type of traffic? Learn all about the basics in this blog.
The Fundamental Basics of Developing a?Website
If you don’t get the basic fundamentals of website design correct, you’re starting off with a pretty unsteady foundation. In order to create a small business website that is worth the time and investment, and generates good traffic, start off with these basics:
1. Always Use Responsive Web?Design
What is a responsive website? Also referred to as a mobile website, this means it has the ability to scale to any size screen so that your customers can access your website from any type of device.
In today’s day and age, this is crucial as many people, including your customers, choose to browse and shop from their phones, iPads, tablets, and computers.
So, before you get into other aspects of design and development when creating a website, make sure your front-end dev and back-end dev team implement a responsive design from the get-go.
2. Keep Your URL?Simple
Essentially, your URL is the name and address of your website. It’s also called a domain name — it describes your business and makes it easy for your customers to find it in the huge expanse of the internet.
Your domain name or URL should be your business name. Not only is this easy to remember, but it’s just another form of advertising for your business. You can also have two domain names of a slight variation that point to your website in order to dominate more space on the internet.
3. Place Important Information Strategically
In the world of print media, there is a common term known as “above the fold”. This is where all the most important and eye-catching information on a newspaper sits, because it’s what people see first.
The same thing should apply to your website. When placing important information, such as your business contact details, you want this to sit in direct view of your customer, without having to scroll.
You can do the same for social media handles so that it’s easy and convenient for customers to connect with you.
4. Make Simple Navigation a?Priority
One of the most off-putting things about a website is clutter, too much text, and pop-up windows. Keep your website navigation and layout sleek and simple during website development.
Limit your navigation bar to just five tabs, with relevant sub-pages underneath them. Use clear, high-quality images that are related to your business. Mark out a clear way to get back to your home page and provide easy access to your contact details.
5. Use the Right Amount of?Content
The last thing you want is to overwhelm your customers with huge paragraphs of text. But you also don’t want to be vague and scarce with your information, either. Website content is crucial for your SEO ranking and website traffic.
Keep it simple, use a balance of white space, text, and graphics to clearly break up the page and flow of content. Keep your sentences short and use bullet points where possible.
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Originally published at https://www.namasteui.com on November 25, 2020.