5 Tips To Keep Your Weight in Check When Traveling
Everything was going so well. You've been going to the gym, eating right, drinking plenty of water and even cut back on the weekday wine, and then it happened.....the business trip! Instead of dreading it, embrace it, make the right choices and eat up.
1. Avoid getting to “Hangry”
Think ahead and grab some healthy snacks to throw in your bag to curb your appetite….Fruits, nuts, protein bars can be last minute purchases even at the airport. Take a pass on the fast food that will leave you feeling lethargic…..and guilty!
2. Eat five times a day
Yes…..eat more, but in smaller amounts. Breakfast/Snack/Lunch/Snack/Dinner. Eating only once or twice a day sends your body the signal that it is starving, so it stores food as fat. Eat up!!! You’ll burn more calories and have more energy!
3. Eat plenty of protein
Protein Pacing is when you consume protein five times a day. It stabilizes your blood sugar, improves concentration and feeds your muscles. Think about meal replacement protein shakes and protein bars as an easy solution when you are pressed for time.
4. Drink lots of water
Yes, water is a food. The body needs water for virtually all of its functions. Drinking plenty of water will flush your body of toxins, keep your skin fresh, and help you eat less. It will also help you avoid travel lag, symptoms of overexposure to the heat or sun, and junk-food cravings.
5. Sugar is the devil
Foods to avoid: (1)fruit juices, sodas, refined grain products, or sugary snacks; (2) anything deep-fried; (3) nonfat desserts and sweeteners, which are loaded with chemicals that your body can’t easily metabolize; (4) anything partially hydrogenated (this includes nondairy creamer, Jiffy-style peanut butter, margarine, and most packaged baked goods); and (5) excess alcohol.
Executive HR turned Mom CEO | Raising three incredible kids and loving it all
6 年Great advice!