5 Tips to keep up with your mental health while balancing your careers and relationships.
Scandinavians are known to be among the happiest and most contented compared to other people. The world looks up to our high standards in social security, education and health care. We are known to be happy due to higher GDP’s, better employment initiatives, higher life expectancy, higher living standards and great social support by our governments. One would contemplate, what more does a person need to obtain a happier life? However, there is always a darker side to a story. The lesser known fact of this particular story is the struggle Scandinavian families face due to the increasing divorce rates and separations. Fairer wealth distribution and equal employment opportunities for men and women are among the contributors to higher divorce and separation rates. While marriages are believed to be institutions inculcating family values and ethics, separation has the opposite effect on our children and society at large.
Establishing a career is not easy and the same goes for relationships. Growing career ambitions often neglect responsibility and commitment towards family and partners. While striking the work-life balance people face challenges that exceed career expectations and result in low emotional connect. Professional responsibility is a big contributor to reduced family time. In Scandinavia, hundreds of families are affected mentally, physically, emotionally and financially every year due to separation or divorce.
Today, most of us are part of a dual-career unit, and it is vital to discuss how to manage a marriage and career in the best possible way. Issues with work-related travel, money or unbalanced family and child care time can be just a few, to begin with. Here are a few useful tips to maintain your work-life balance and foster relationships.
Communication is key
Most marriages or relationships suffer due to lack of communication. Simply talking about your day at work can result in the exchange of ideas and make the partner feel wanted. Asking after your partners' advice can give him or her the deserved attention. Extensive travelling or working long hours can negatively affect relationships. Whether communicating over a phone call or a simple text message, partners can nurture relationships without being physically present.
Your spouse and your work
Ever demanding jobs and the quest to constantly excel leaves less room for focussed family time. Dual careers can be difficult to manage when your work and family occupy completely different scopes. Getting your partner familiar with work colleagues or inviting partners to informal work gatherings can be encouraging. Finding ways to keep your partner involved in your job can affect positively.
Family weekends
No matter the pressure at work, one always desires to unwind and space-out. Instead of diving deep into your smartphones on the weekends, making time for your family can be indubitably advantageous. Weekends should ideally be an investment in one’s family time. Enjoying the outdoors, watching your favourite movie together or having a simple family dinner can be desirable.
Switching Off from work
Working in a competitive environment can be downright stressful. Bringing your work home on weekends and holidays will only lead to more anxiety and less family time. Switching off from work between 7pm to 7am will be favourable.
Learn and grow together
Never forget that you are not just partners, but also friends, companions and an entire support system in the journey of life. Being great partners will make you effective mentors for your children. Over expectations from work can cause an emotional disconnect and disturb relationships, thus having adverse effects on the entire family. For healthier minds at home, engaging openly in conversations related to both work and personal lives, as well as sufficient expression of care is crucial. We are equally responsible for each other’s mental and physical well-being.
Nonetheless, I am expected to practice what I preach, as my wife reads my articles closely! To express my gratitude, I have already planned a no work - just leisure weekend trip with her after a long time. Thanks to my in-laws for babysitting our kids and making this possible :)
Lifekeys is an online mental health service company. We work with businesses and individuals in improving lives by providing effective psychological and online courses. We aim to create awareness about mental health and reduce the stigma in our society. Our vision is to lower the threshold to seek help by offering quality online mental health services. For more information regarding our services please visit us at - https://lifekeys.no/ or get in touch : [email protected]
Trainer & Consultant, Self-employed
5 年A great topic to have been addressed at a very crucial time, considering the rate of Divorce cases are on a Rise. To conclude, individually Scandinavians are Happy but in partnership we are not. Need to work on. Keep writing. All the best.