5 Tips for the “I Thrive” Game Plan

5 Tips for the “I Thrive” Game Plan

Courageous Conversations: Prioritizing the “I” in THRIVE

By Dr. Michelle Mitcham, LMHC-QS, NCC, CCMHC, CFM

Consider your life as carefully as you would your favorite plants. Are your roots grounded in soil of nourishment? Are you surrounded by enough light? Are you watering the seeds that you planted? Sometimes we must confront the nature of ourselves and others so that it is conducive to an environment of growth. We need to engage in courageous conversations with ourselves to thrive. Rihanna said, “Just live your life. Ain’t got no time for no haters.”?What type of life do you want to live? What is your dream? Sometimes, even with the people closest to us, our dreams, ideas, hopes and plans may not always feel supported. Although not intentionally, we tend to put people in boxes. Whether you are trying to step outside of your box or somebody else is doing so, be kind and allow them to expand into that transformation. If you feel as though the people around you are stifling your expansion, consider moving in silence and sharing your milestones after they have been achieved. This is not selfish or secretive, because your energy is yours. All that you aspire for, is an extension of your energy. Sometimes we put ourselves in boxes, overindulging in Instagram and other social media. While social media can be very inspiring, it can also create a very scattered and cluttered mind. Taking a step back from your online presence can help connect you to a blank creative canvas of your mind; a place to go back to the drawing board and revisit your own creative ideas and passions. Some people lose a sense of their own identity, when bombarded by the attachments they have on social media. It becomes second nature to compare and consume from the outside world, leading to an overshadowing of what’s within. Taking a break is like turning a light on inside your brain and refocusing energy, tapping into your own voice, and hearing it a little louder. Let go of who you think you should be and embrace who you are today. The author of As Lewis Carrol wrote in Alice in Wonderland.” I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then.”

You are the inventor, creator, and the captain of your life. Step into your power.

5 Tips for the “I Thrive” Game Plan

1.????A response to declining an engagement or event may simply be, “I am so sorry, but I already have a prior commitment.” It is okay if that commitment is with yourself to recharge and regroup.

2.????Give yourself permission to choose your company and with whom you share your space. This may be challenging with long-term relationships and friendships. One way to set boundaries with your space is to not over explain your reasoning. It may seem curt, but you do not owe anyone an explanation whether you are having a self-care day or choose to be alone – that’s okay.

3.????Discussing your boundaries can improve your relationships. Being open with these conversations, will show you who is for you. True friends respect healthy boundaries. This may be your time, space, habits and more.

4.????Schedule your time to include self-care and utilize the do not disturb option on your phone, even if this is simply time for journaling and gathering your thoughts. Consider it a routine self-check in.

5.????If you feel that any of the above tips will create turmoil or put you in a risky situation, therapy may help you navigate your thoughts and actions. Reach out to PsychologyToday.com for help.


