5 Tips to Help You Handle All Hurricane Ian Claims as a Public Adjuster
Vince Perri
President of Elite Resolutions, Inc | Commercial Claims Advocate | Educator | Public Adjuster | Appraiser | Umpire | Claims Expert
All major news outlets are reporting the damages left by Hurricane Ian to be around $50 billion. The storm created a major problem for Florida and its residents.
This week's?Blog?is brought to you by?Black Diamond Housing Services.
What does that mean for you, public adjusters in Florida and surrounding states?
It means the playing field is crazy now, it feels as if half the country’s roofers, adjusters, attorneys, and mitigators are now jumping from claim to claim.
And that is not good for you or the policyholder.
In this post, you will learn about five essential steps you need to get through Hurricane Ian’s aftermath without damaging your business or health.
Here is exactly what you will learn:
?? Read the policy.
?? Take your time and focus on the details.
?? Vet the contractors you recommend to your clients.
?? Consider getting your proof of loss submitted.
?? Relax and find the time for yourself.
You might be confused by some of the steps, but I can assure you that all of them are crucial to your success and health as a public adjuster.
Let us get into it!
1. Read the Policy and Find Out What is the Deductible
The first step in handling any claim for your client is to read their policy. Read the policy and check the amount of the deductible. Is the deductible 2%, 5%, or 10%?
?I am suggesting this because the deductible is now double, if not triple, that it normally was.
Also, public adjusters in Florida are now paid 10% of the claim,?so you have to double-check if the claim is worth your and your client’s time.
You also have to account that every client will now need more attention.?
Most of them do not have a place to stay, so you might want to use a service like?Black Diamond Housing?and help them settle until their claim is solved.
Also, do not forget to include the extra living expenses in the estimate,?that can be a considerable portion of the claim!
2. Attention to Detail is Crucial to Public Adjusting
Have you already read our?handbook for public adjusters?and other professionals in the insurance restoration field??
In the handbook, you will learn that details are essential to get clients enough money to repair their homes.
However, there are too many claims at the moment, and most public adjusters are running from client to client forgetting the details.
Check the client’s attic even if they have not suffered roof damage. Examine their yard, fences, etc. Take your time and find everything that you can include in the estimate.
Do not forget that you want to receive maximum coverage for each client, do not do them a disservice.
Your client will get paid more if you give their property the attention it deserves.
And you will get paid more as well!
3. Vet the Contractors Before Recommending Them to Your Clients
Your phone is probably going crazy right now with contractors contacting you and asking about recommending them to your clients.
Look, I get it.
Half the country’s contractors are in Florida to grow their businesses and help homeowners.
However, that does not mean every roofing contractor that calls you has the license to operate in Florida.?
It also does not mean every roofer will repair your client’s home perfectly.
The problem is that their work quality will reflect on you.
So, before you recommend a contractor to your client, make sure you vet them.
Ensure that you know whom you recommend and trust they will do a good repair job.
Be picky about whom you recommend.
4. Consider Getting Your Proof of Loss Submitted
Florida has now extended the time limit to submit water damage proof of loss, so you might be relaxed with it and think you will do it later.
My advice is that you do it as soon as you can.
First of all, the time limit was increased for hurricane-related claims, but the rule is still that you have to submit it from the date of loss.?
Which means that it might be too late if you wait too long.?
And you might already know that?submitting the proof of loss as soon as possible?improves your chances of getting the claim approved.
So prepare the proof of loss, get it notarized if you can, and then send it to the insurance company.?Because the chances are high, the claim will move forward faster.
5. Want to Become a Successful Public Adjuster? First Relax
Relaxation is key to success in any business. We?teach this in our video course?as well, you need to find the time for yourself.
I understand there are more claims than ever at the moment.
But you should understand that we are only in the first quarter of this massive game.
Handling all of these claims will not last a couple of weeks or even months, it will take a lot longer than that.
How long can you effectively go without a day’s rest?
A few weeks? A month?
In the end, your attention will begin to slip, and your effectiveness will fall.
Do not do that to yourself or your clients.
There is no point in working hard if you will not find the time to enjoy your efforts.
So, take a day off.
Spend it with your family or friends and return to the game rested.