Michael Tsakporhore
Digital Marketing & Strategy Lead | Product Designer | I love to develop solutions that drive businesses forward
1. Be Wise in your choice
Before you consider whether to join a network business please ensure you do a proper research about the following;
- How long has the company being in existence?
- What is there distribution model?
- What is the history of their CEO?
- What product are the selling
2. What their Support System
Some network marketing opportunity leave you in the middle to fend for yourself, with no support. Kindly ensure that the opportunity in question practices what the teach. Find out if they have support service, weekly meetings or training etc. This is important because every network business comes with its business plan and strategies be informed.
3. The Mentor
This is stage is critical because your success lies on this. It important you are guided by an upline with a successful track record, learn how they became successful in the business. If the networking business don’t have such mentorship system, please rethink because it can be very challenging succeeding on your own.
4. Protégé
Just has you were mentored by an upline its equally important you mentor your downline to ensure the succeed in the business as well. Don’t leave your downline orphaned without support.
5. Be Digital Marketing Savvy
The internet has already change how we do business, it essential you understand your market tools that will help you promote the business efficiently. The following will guide you
- What problem does the product seek to solve?
- Which market will appreciate your product the most?
- Which digital marketing channel works for you best?
- What your market model?
Take care friends, will write you soon….