5 Tips for Career Success
Jacquie Ottema (Career Coach and Career Counsellor)
Certified High Performance Career Coach | Coaching, Counselling, Consulting | I Help Leaders Get More Happy Mondays | 50% Less Effort and 100% More Results | LinkedIn Top Voice
How do you define career success?
Is it being in a career or job you enjoy that makes you happy?
Is it being well paid for what you do?
Is it having work-life alignment?
Is is being liked and respected at work?
Some or all of the above?
Well, it depends on who you ask. Each of us defines it very differently. I have not worked with a client yet who has the same criteria for success as any of the other clients.
The one thing all of us have in common is that, given the amount of time we spend at work, we?want to at least like what we're doing every day.
Life is too short to spend time in jobs we hate that don't fulfill us, create impact or make a difference.
5 Tips for Career Success
1) Choose your occupation based on what you have skills for, your personality, interests, aptitudes, and work-related values and fits your unique needs. Can you see yourself doing this work day after day for years?
2) Do career research about the occupation you are considering to learn about job duties, qualifications, earnings, and employment outlook. It's ok to consider the input of friends and family but try not to let anyone tell you what choice is best for you-only you know can make that final decision.
3) Determine what success specifically means for you. How do you define success? Is it the size of your paycheck or having the?corner office? Is it the feeling you get when you know you did a great job on a project or the one you get when you know you helped someone? Perhaps you feel successful after putting in a day at work and going home to play with your kids and make dinner. Since each of us measures success differently, you are the only one who can decide what it means to you. Your satisfaction with your career is strongly linked to whether you feel you have met your own goals, not someone else's.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." ~Wayne Gretzky, Hockey Legend
4) Ask for help when you need it. You don't have to figure it out on your own. There are times when a fresh perspective can really provide clarity, focus and direction. As much as you think you know, you can't know it all.
5) Become your own advocate so you can recruit others to believe in you too. Take note of and pride in all your successes and positive attributes. Reflecting on your achievements is a huge confidence booster and will encourage you to accomplish even greater. From time to time a little voice inside your head will whisper that you aren't good enough or smart enough. That's the voice you need to shut out.
I hope that helps! Should you need support - message me or setup time for a clarity call - book here: calendly.com/jacquie-ottema
Let's identify the top 3 things holding you back from your perfect fit career and figure out a plan!
Helping you love your work! I am a career coach who helps mid-career professionals find their best natural fit to make a greater impact at work!
Keep learning. Keep growing.