5 Tips for Avoiding Common Search Pitfalls
Author: Steve Geyer

5 Tips for Avoiding Common Search Pitfalls

In the current job market, finding qualified candidates can be challenging. However, there are common mistakes made by hospitals and health systems that can make the search process even more difficult. As a result, it's important to realize that you are competing for every position with those who are doing it right.

Great candidates have high expectations and will pass on your opportunity if they don't get a sense that your organization is up to par with your competitors or their own standards. Even if your organization is a market leader in your field and has high quality and satisfaction scores, if you don't appear to have your house in order, candidates will not take the risk of joining your organization.

To avoid these search pitfalls, here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Use an updated and completed job description: Using an old job description or one that is still in progress is not recommended. Candidates want to see that your organization has put thought into the role and what is expected of them.
  2. Be transparent about compensation: Candidates should know what compensation your organization is offering and whether or not it matches current market conditions for similar roles. Simply stating that the compensation is competitive is not enough.
  3. Make sure the search team is on board: Ensure that everyone involved in the search process is informed and aligned with the objectives of the hire. If there are team members who may feel threatened by the new hire, it's important to address this.
  4. Communicate the expected exit date: If you are replacing a long-term team member or physician, be sure to communicate the expected exit date to the team and the candidate.
  5. Be flexible and negotiate: Remember that there are no unicorns. Be prepared to adjust the requirements for a good candidate and be willing to negotiate.

At Corazon, we address these pitfalls at the beginning of the search process to avoid any surprises or issues with candidates later on. As such, remaining visible and transparent is of the utmost importance throughout the search and placement process. Nowadays, candidates are posting reviews and sharing their experiences on social media, so it's important more than ever to avoid any negative feedback.

In conclusion, avoiding these common mistakes can help make the search process smoother and increase your chances of finding and retaining the right candidate for your organization.

Author: Steven Geyer , Corazon


