5 Tips For An Amazing Start to 2018!
Kim Smiley Wiley
An exciting Brokerage where our agents receive dedicated training and genuine care. We thrive because of our agents, and they are at the heart of everything we do.
2018 will be here before you know it! Have you planned for it to be better than 2017? Did you plan 2017 to be better than 2016?
Only a fraction of people actually plan for success. And that's why only a fraction are successful. These 5 tips can be used in any business but of course I'm going to put a bit of a Real Estate Spin on them for you.
1st tip before the tips start, is to do them BEFORE December 31st!
- Write down your 3 big, hairy, audacious goals for 2018. These are the big ones, the ones that would make you so happy to achieve that you would pat YOURSELF on the back for! Is it financial? Do you want to add $50, 000 or $100,000 or more to your bottom line. Write down the number that you want. What about connections? How good are they, do they need rescuing? Maybe you have a personal goal of losing 10, 20 or more pounds. Let's write it down and get at the plan! How many deals do you need this year to make a difference in your life? Do you need to schedule out your day better so you actually get money producing items accomplished? How's your social media accounts? Are they making you money? If not, what do you need to do to change that?
- Evaluate your current associations. Are they better than you? Are they going where you are going? Are they more of an engine or do you experience an anchor dropping every time you are with them? We all have anchor friends. I'm not suggesting you leave all your friends and family behind but I am suggesting you look at the time you are spending with these people and limit it. Who do you need to meet and associate with to get you to your goals and spend your coveted time with? "We become the combined average of the top 5 people we hang around the most"- Jim Rohn. Who do you need to start hanging out with? Who can you take out for a coffee and get to know? Make these relationships really stick. Don't treat them like a business appointment. Make true friendships with people who are where you need to be.
- Action Steps and Tasks. To achieve number 1 and 2 we have to actually do the work. Gasp! In order to make more money you'll need to figure out what tasks you need to do accomplish. What would be the first 3 steps for all of the 3 goals you wrote down? Write them down. Now here's the secret the absolute biggest thing that you have to know about making 2018 actually better than 2017. You have to actually do the freakn steps! I know, I know it's so hard. But this must be done. If you actually do this you will be ahead of almost all of your competition. Go around your office and take a poll of who actually has their goals written down and has the steps with them to get there. I would bet you don't find one person. Oh, you'll find people that say they know the steps they have to take but if they are not written down with the actions and tasks believe me they won't get accomplished. Do this and watch your goals start to happen!
- Proper Stewardship of your money. I bet being broke and living credit card statement to credit card statement isn't fun is it? Yes, I know how you live. I've been there. Even when I was making hundreds of thousands every year I was still broke because I started spending more than I was making. All our friends thought we were loaded...living in a nice house, with nice cars and great vacations. Truth be told it was terrifying. Every closing was desperately needed and every penny went to bills instead of savings for our retirement. Stupid. That's about all I could call it. Spend your money if you have it to spend. If it's an expense make sure it's worth it and that you NEED it (not want it), and if it's an investment look at the ROI (Return on investment). Will it make you more than what you are putting in? Is it a quick pay off or long term and is it what you need NOW? Big questions that can help you avoid financial disaster. Of all the Real Estate Agents I've coached in the past, only one actually had money set aside for retirement at age 65. Crazy. Please take care of you properly, because no one else will-they are all worried about themselves not being able to retire.
- Problems. Along the way to your goals you are going to encounter them. Get at the root cause. Once you find out what it is you can challenge it and conquer it. Find the right partner to defeat it. Find the right tool to beat it. Find out what you need to fix asap. Knowing your weaknesses is huge and finding the solution is powerful.
- Bonus! Go with a servant heart. I left this as a bonus because it truly is the bonus to make your business boom. So many times we go out to do business for ourselves, not to serve our clients. We figure they owe us and are lucky to be working with us. Seriously?! Come on, it's time you see you for who you are. You have been given a gift to be able to help and offer your expertise to a family, a business person, a first time home owner, or an investor. Once you turn your mindset to a place that serves, your business will boom! You see, people see it in your eyes, in the way you talk and the way you walk. They see your generous spirit and that they really are important. They feel like they matter and once they feel like that referrals start coming and in and their business will repeat. Change your attitude and you'll change your altitude.
Get more free tips at www.kimsmileywiley.com.