5 Time Management Tips For The Digital World

5 Time Management Tips For The Digital World

5 Time Management Tips For The Digital World

Being productive at work is one of the most crucial parts of being an effective employee or manager, but it is one that eludes many people. Years ago, we just had to worry about a nosy neighbor poking his head over our cubicle or into our office. Today, we have to deal with the constant bombardment of the online world, from personal gadgets (like smart phones), emails, and the even more abrasive instant messages.

Here are 5 ways to improve your time management--even in a 24/7, "now, now, now, yes, yes, yes" world.

1. Show Up Early. 

There is really no downside to getting to work 30 minutes early. Who wouldn’t give up 30 minutes of sleep for a 100 percent less stressful 8+ hours at the office? The traffic will probably be better, the train or bus less crowded. Many of us catch the subway to work and what a difference even ten minutes, let alone 30 minutes, can make for avoiding the obligatory Tokyo crowded train "canned sardine" experience. In those 30 minutes, you can scope out the plan for the day, schedule your priorities and attack your inbox without other distractions. You’ll have time to thoughtfully respond to messages that came in overnight--and clear your inbox before the morning onslaught of new ones arrives. Bonus: you’ll be able to savor your morning cup of coffee with a side of peace and quiet of no one bugging you.

2. Maintain a Daily Planner.

Time management may be threatened by digital tools, but that same technology can keep you to your schedule. Think beyond your digital calendar. Do you have a To Do list 20 items long? Plan out how long each should take, enter it into your online scheduler, and set it to ping you when you need to move on--or it’s time for a 5 minute water/coffee/bathroom/co-worker chatting break.

Block time is highly effective but you have to plan it and you have to protect it. We make appointments with our clients and we allow no interuptions. We should do the same for ourselves to give us the block time we need to concentrate on high value tasks. You’ll be more likely to power through until the alarm tells you it’s time to stop. Working in 40-50 minute bursts is more efficient than just grinding it out and getting up out of our chairs and walking around is much appreciated by our backs!

3. Be Present.

No matter how much you want to focus, longwinded and boring meetings can seem made for web-surfing. The problem? You’ll spend more time after the meeting catching up on the content than if you had just focused in the first place. If at all possible, turn your phone off when you’re in a meeting and tell your assistant or a colleague where you are and how to reach you. If you really need to be directly accessible, put your phone on vibrate and put in your pocket, where you won’t be tempted to check game scores or the upcoming weekend weather. 

If you are a habitual escapee in meetings, because they are so boring, you might show some leadership and suggest ways in which the meetings can be improved. Shorter meeting would be good for everyone because we all know that a lot of meetings expand to fill in the time slot allotted. Cancelling meetings that are not needed or not requirig so many people to be there unless absolutely necessary, are great efficiencies. Standing meetings are good too, because people can’t whip out their phones and surreptitiously read under the desk, pretending to be listening. 

4. Avoid Procrastination.

No activity is more efficient at helping you procrastinate than the internet, particularly social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter. But according to a book, "The Power of Habit" by New York Times journalist Charles Duhigg, we can thwart their pull on our productivity. The key is recognizing why you’re web-surfing. Often we are doing the smart phone equivalent of what we do with the television controller - constantly surfing through channels hoping for something interesting to pop up. We find ourselves scrolling through other social media sites looking for something interesting. This is a big time waster actually, because the chances of finding something valuable and worth knowing about are pretty slim in reality. If you just need time to clear your head, scheduling it in (see Maintain a Daily Planner) will help you stick to 5 to 10 minute favourite website or social media breaks--not hour long ones. Even better, go for a walk outside and come straight back, to get into the tasks awaiting you.

5. Protect Your Private Time. 

Too often, workers that are on smartphones can feel like they're on a digital leash to the office. Sure, you may not be able to turn off your work device immediately when you leave the office. But it’s probably reasonable for most busy employees to turn it off for dinner or to get children ready for bed. Decide what your necessary "unplugged" time of day is--and protect it fiercely by being efficient while at work.

My French friends tell me their work culture is to work very hard but not long and late. In this way, they are forced to be efficient, so they strenuously avoid wasting time. When they leave the workplace, they leave it all there – this sounds like a pretty good habit to adopt. Knowing you have that time set aside for you and your family or friends will make your work to be more productive all day long. Recent research says that the blue light emitted by our screens is not helping us get a good night’s sleep. Divest yourself of any screen based technology at least an hour before bedtime for a better and fuller respite.

Engaged employees are self-motivated. The self-motivated are inspired. Inspired staff grow your business but are you inspiring them? We teach leaders and organisations how to inspire their people. Want to know how we do that? Contact me at [email protected]

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About The Author

Dr. Greg Story: President, Dale Carnegie Training Japan

Author of Japan Sales Mastery, the Amazon #1 Bestseller on selling in Japan and the first book on the subject in the last thirty years.

In the course of his career Dr. Greg Story has moved from the academic world, to consulting, investments, trade representation, international diplomacy, retail banking and people development. Growing up in Brisbane, Australia he never imagined he would have a Ph.D. in Japanese decision-making and become a 30 year veteran of Japan.

A committed lifelong learner, through his published articles in the American, British and European Chamber journals, his videos and podcasts “THE Leadership Japan Series”, "THE Sales Japan series", THE Presentations Japan Series", he is a thought leader in the four critical areas for business people: leadership, communication, sales and presentations. Dr. Story is a popular keynote speaker, executive coach and trainer.

Since 1971, he has been a disciple of traditional Shitoryu Karate and is currently a 6th Dan. Bunbu Ryodo (文武両道-both pen & sword) is his mantra and he applies martial art philosophies and strategies to business.



Mark Williams

Insurance Law Specialist | Public Liability | Professional Indemnity | Life Insurance | Defamation Lawyer

6 年

Just started a conversation in my office over this same topic - Great facilitator!



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