5 Thoughts That Make All The Difference

5 Thoughts That Make All The Difference

When I think of the stuff that really ‘works’ for me personally or professionally, it all revolved around relatively simple concepts.

But simple done consistently well works.

In fact, it often works best.

So when I think about the lessons or constants that have helped me throughout my entire professional life, these 5 come to mind:

1. Handle adversity.

Adversity happens.

In fact, almost every great success we know of was preceded by some adversity.

The proverbial ‘rags to riches’ story.

The ‘hero’s journey.’

I think we all discover that achieve anything, you’re going to have bumps in the road.

In fact, one of the best concepts that we can learn that it’s not those adverse events that dictate our results…it’s how we respond to them.

2. Be both a good teammate and the best version of yourself.

You’ve heard the phrase when you are on an airplane that is about to take off...they tell you that in the event of a change in cabin pressure your oxygen mask will drop.

Then they tell you to put yours on before assisting anyone else.

It doesn’t matter if you’re running a business or raising a child...you’ve got to do your job, but yours isn’t the only job.

So control what you can control.

But to achieve anything great, we all need others. And they need us.

Lift others up. Help them reach their goals. You’ll be almost assured of reaching yours.

And when you accept that this is how success in anything works…it’s easier to embrace that you shouldn’t be playing every role…

…you should be playing your best role and helping others play theirs.

3. Stay the course.

Over time I’ve accepted that nothing worth having comes without commitment, persistence and time.

Small improvements, day after day, yield big results.

In fact, one step, one move taken toward your goals each day is often enough to accomplish big things…as long as you stay the course.

This is easily my favorite competitive advantage…because I know that by simply showing up and doing the work, day after day…we’ll win over 95% of the competition by just outlasting them.

In fact, I’d suggest this…don’t play the game if you’re not willing to play the long game.

4. There are only a few things that are crucial to success in almost any pursuit when you get right down to it.

This one isn’t obvious when you’re in the middle of it...but it’s so true.

In most things in life...you can boil what success is based on down to a few things.

In business it’s figuring out how to get clients and profitably serve them at a high level.

To create your Ideal Business, it’s doing that in a way that allows you to also personally thrive.

It could be as simple as checking these 4 boxes each day. Did I…

1. Serve my clients well? 2. Grow my business in some way? 3. Engage meaningfully with those I care about? 4. Improve myself?

Take small steps in those 4 areas every day and before long you’ve got your Ideal Business.

Remember, just like everything else in life...if you figure out the real drivers of success in what you’re doing rather than focusing on all the trivial stuff...you’ll be able to beat the competition more often than not.

5. Appreciate today.

This is two-fold.

In one way, it’s about enjoy the moment, because before you know it - those moments have passed and you don’t get them back.

So enjoy them all.

Celebrating the wins…the progress you’ve made. Not just chasing the next thing and ignoring the last.

But it’s also about being present.

Whatever you’re doing, personally or professionally, will become more valuable if you are present. In the moment. Focused.

Not putting things off.

Valuing time and investing it well.

Five lessons or thoughts that have had a significant impact for me. I hope they will for you as well.

Dedicated to Your Success,


P.S. - Whenever you're ready... here are 2 ways I can help you build your Ideal Business...

1. Get My New Best Seller...The IDEAL Business Formula.

Want to earn more personal income? Have even more professional impact?

Work fewer, more valuable hours? Enjoy the lifestyle you deserve?

The IDEAL Business Formula can help you do all of those. Check it (and $249.85 in bonuses) out here: https://idealbusinessformulabook.com/

Side note: If you’ve already purchased the book and still need to access your Bonuses, submit your information at the bottom of the same page.

2. Join our Ideal Business Accelerator program and be a Case Study.

We’re taking on a few new clients as case studies in our IBA program where we guarantee an increase of $4000 / mo. in recurring revenue. If you'd like to work with me, Fred Zoller and Justin Yule to grow your clientele and revenue you can reply with 'BGA' in the subject line to learn more.


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