5 Things You're Doing Wrong Every Day

5 Things You're Doing Wrong Every Day

Five things you're doing wrong every day.

Number one, you've got the wrong attitude.

Let me ask you a question: when you wake up, what attitude do you have?

Do you wake up excited? Ready for the day? Like a kid?on Christmas morning? So excited to see what the day will bring?

Or do you wake up and say, "<groan> It's morning already? Why'd the alarm clock go off? Oh, I don't want to get up yet!"

If you start it with?a proper attitude, you're more likely to have a productive day.

So think right now: when you wake up, are you excited for the day? Whom you're going to meet? The experiences you're going to experience? Or do you dread waking up?

A great attitude?is the best way?to start a great day, and this is something everyone can improve on.

Number two: you're trying to do too much, or you're not doing what truly matters.

I'm a solopreneur, and I work hard and?stay busy all day. But I don't overpack my schedule with unnecessary crap.?It's essential?to work on what matters. As you create a plan for the day, think about what needs to get done. And?avoid the temptation to?put too much on your schedule. Put what needs to get done and then do those things very well.

Number three, too many distractions.

Distractions are killing your productivity and?are so plentiful in our age today. Think about: how many times and how many ways you are distracted every single day.

We have our smartphones, notifications, phone calls, and people. Whether you work from home or in an office environment, distractions are everywhere. Now, you can't control every distraction in the world. But there are many of them that are your fault, that you?have the power to do something about.

Number four, you don't even have a plan.

If you think, "Hey, whatever happens, happens. I'm just gonna wing it," you are living reactively. Let me clue you in on something: if you study the successful people in our world, as I do,?you'll learn that they?don't just wing it, and they have a plan for everything.

Do you have a plan? Do you tell your time where to go? Or do you wonder where it went? It would help if you had a plan. It would be best if you lived your life proactively, not reactively.

Number five: do you're not getting enough rest.

It's essential that you go to bed at the same time, seven days a week: on vacations, holidays, and the weekends.?It's also vital that you get up at the same time every morning: on weekends, holidays,?and vacations. Your body loves consistency.

You also need to take breaks throughout the day. I'm not talking about a two-hour lunch break unless you're meeting with a client.

Maybe you're feeling frustrated or like the wheels are turning, but nothing's happening. Then do this: get up from wherever you are, take a walk outside, take a walk around the block, take a walk around your building and get moving.

Of these five things I just wrote about, how many are you guilty of? Be honest with yourself. You don't have to reach out to me and tell me. Just rate?yourself, and the truth will set you free.

Here's my homework assignment for you: pick the item that you're struggling with the most, the one you're doing horrible with, and figure out a way to start getting better at that. And when you get that one done, come back and grab the second one on your list that needs to be improved. If you correct these five things, I promise you, you'll have more energy, you'll be more productive, and you will be a whole lot happier. And who doesn't want to be happier?

I’m Mister Productivity , founder of The Productive Life Membership and host of The Mister Productivity Podcast . As a #productivity coach, I work with busy #solopreneurs to support and teach them time-saving strategies. Because we both know you have better things to do than trudge through a never-ending list, sign up for the 21-Day Productivity Challenge.


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