Social media marketing is like Disneyland until it’s time to investigate your brand’s messaging?to plant measurable, key pieces of data about your marketing performance. But don’t worry. A social media audit is like a healing process for the stress of your business.
Auditing your social media will help you understand how social media is working, performance and growth opportunities and how each one fits into your marketing goals.This means studying social media profiles, content, posts, posting times, and audience engagement for strengths and weaknesses. The goal of this review is to gather the data which will give you benchmarks, and from there you will have insight into how you can optimize your return on investment, and improve performance of the social media channels that deliver the best returns.
Create a list of all your social media accounts
You might think that you know all of your social media accounts but you may forget some or even bigger one.That’s why you also need to track accounts beyond major social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Like that LinkedIn account that has four followers or Instagram account you haven’t touched in a year. So, we should start by listing all the accounts that your team uses regularly. Then try to find old profiles your company created when there was no social media strategy in place. Although, if you’re not active on those social media channels, you still need to audit them.
Evaluate your branding
After you’ve recorded all of your social media accounts, check each profile to ensure they’re all consistent with your current brand style guide. That includes –
Your images should reflect your current brand image and conform to the image size requirements of social platforms.
Make sure the link in your profile goes to the correct website or landing page.
Assess your pinned posts to see if they’re relevant and up-to-date.
Define goals of social media strategy
It’s very important to have a clear strategy in place when it comes to social media. That means defining specific goals for each social media network you’re active on. The key is to be specific and realistic with your goals. Once you understand what you are craving to achieve, you can start working on a plan to make it happen.?
There are some examples of social media goals-
Identify your top-performing social media content
Now, this is the time to record your best-performing social media posts for each social profile. For example, does your audience adore Videos? Photos? Question-based posts? Or What do u think that made your top posts stand out from the rest? Your native analytics for each platform can help you understand what any given piece of content is receiving in terms of:
Update your social media marketing strategy
From now on, you know all of your goals and recent performance for each platform. Re-examine your notes from earlier steps as you plan the next month or quarter ahead.
There are simple steps to update your marketing-??
To do all of the steps we mentioned above alone, this is not going to be a very easy job to do.
At NEXT, Our Social Media Specialist will analyze clients’ audience and can help you develop a strategy that would be fit and valuable for your business. After a few skull sessions with creative teams, we will make a list of your company’ marketing goals to develop a plan to help achieving your company’s marketing goals.