5 things you should know when buying a used desktop or laptop
Sometimes a new computer isn’t in our budget. In this case, you will need to know some things to check when buying a used computer. Used computers aren’t as bad as most people make them out to be. You can snag a used computer for about 20% to 50% off the retail price if you look around. Plus, some used computers are as good as new, so the only thing you miss is the unboxing experience.
Choose a sixth-generation or newer Intel Core processor (look for a model number that starts with Core i3, i5, or i7, followed by a number in the 6000s or higher). While these chips are going on six years old, as of May 2021, they’re still getting current software support from Intel and many PC manufacturers.
RAM tends to get updated quite regularly, which means that a used PC will probably have less RAM than a new one. While lots of memory is a nice perk, it often isn’t necessary unless you juggle a lot of software. For reference points, around 8GB is sufficient for nearly all activities. Newer PCs come with up to 16GB of RAM or up to 32GB for more robust computers.
The size of the hard disk is GB or TB. Around 1 TB is best. If the drive is older than 4 years it is better to replace it with SSD. Otherwise, it causes data loss or lag.
If you buy a used machine, test the battery right away: Make sure you can charge it to full, and then run the laptop until the battery dies. If you have time, repeat the test a second time. if you see the battery hasn’t held the charge just refuse to buy.
overall ask the age of the computer if it crosses 5 years or more then consider the price or ask to change the computer.