5 Things You Should Do While You Wait On Success

5 Things You Should Do While You Wait On Success

We all want success. We dream about it at night and work for it by day. While we know that success isn't instant, that it takes hard work and dedication, it can sometimes feel like no matter how hard we push, success is just outside of our grasp. Here are 5 things to when you feel like nothing is going your way.

  1. Don't Wallow-

Its easy to feel like the world just doesn't appreciate the one of a kind superstar that you are. That your waiting on everyone else to see what you already know about yourself. The truth is, 99% of your day is spent thinking about yourself and everyone else is no different.

You don't need their permission to be great. Decide today that you deserve greatness even if the whole world says otherwise.

2. Don't Become Bitter-

Its important to have a healthy sense of self but the reason we are on this planet is to help others.

I heard once "you can't make someone love you but no one can stop you from loving them". In the same way, you cant make someone accept the gift that you are offering the world (your unique self) but no one can stop you from giving your life away.

Decide today that you will give everything you have even if no one wants it.

3. Don't Be Afraid.

Pablo Picasso died depressed and unknown. The End. Isn't that encouraging?

While Pablo did not get to enjoy the fame and fortune that we all seem to agree he deserved, i believe that if he was asked, he would would say that what the world gave him was more than enough.

What is it that you seek in life? Money? You'll give it all to somebody else one day (when was the last time you saw a hurst pulling a U-Hall?). Comfort? one day you wont worry about anything. Fame? Ever heard of Ignaz Semmelweis? Me neither. He was the physician who came up with the idea of washing your hands.

The point is: its rare to be appreciated in your time. Decide today to love the people of this world even if they don't remember your name.

4. Don't Get A Big Head-

There will always be someone prettier, more muscular, someone with more money, better talent, someone who didn't develop a soy allergy at age 35. There are also some ugly, poor people out there who couldn't beat an egg. Your talent and purpose in life is not special. It didn't come from a lucky star or some galaxy far far away. You get your skills from the same place we all do and its a closed system.

Your purpose is not to stand on the head of everyone else, clawing your way to the top so that you can be a little higher. There is nothing to see up there that you cant see down here.

Your purpose is to stand shoulder to shoulder with everyone else. Decide today to make it less about you and more about us.

5. Be You-

Whether the world knows it or not, we need you.

There is no one on earth like you. No one has the same skills, memories, thoughts or feelings. You are experiencing life in a way that is completely unique, in a way that has never and will never be experienced again.

The world is full of Joe Blow, neck tie, pant suits. Everyone wants to be John Wayne but somebody already wore those britches.

You've got your own pants son and the world cant fit into 'em


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