5 things you need to know from Stack Overflow Survey 2016- JavaScript Continues to Rule The Web.
To gain insight into the state of development, every year tens of thousands of developers are surveyed by Stack Overflow through their service. Stack Overflow serves as a stage where designers share their work and make inquiries identified with coding. Consistently, the site overviews a huge number of engineers to get a thought regarding the present situation of the tech world, making it a standout amongst the most exhaustive designer study ever directed.
Every year the statistics of inside industry are fascinating and this year for 2016’s study, 50,000 to 56033 developers responded from across the industry from 173 countries– and the findings are fascinating, as well as insightful. The company found that JavaScript is still overwhelmingly the most popular development language, with more than 55.4 percent of people saying they use the language.PHP fell 4 percent in the last year to 25 percent, which Stack Overflow attributed to the rise of Nodeand Angular, but Microsoft’s Visual Basic is the most “dreaded” language. It was also found that 46 percent of the developers have no degree in computer science or any related field and that more than 57 percent of them check in code at work more than once a day.
Survey statistics of January 2016 showed, more than 45 million opened Stack Overflow in their web programs to pose a question or answer something asked by a kindred designer. Most respondents recognize themselves as full-stack designers with a number as high as 28%, trailed by back-end web engineers with 12.2%
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