5 Things You Can Expect From Exhibitions This Year
There was a time before the pandemic when going to large concerts and events was seen as something to look forward to. No one wore masks, and they definitely weren’t worried about catching a deadly virus. Today, many people still worry about passing or catching Covid-19 despite many places lifting restrictions and mandates. The threat of the deadly virus is still all too real, especially for those who have lost loved ones. Because of this, the world of Zoom meetings and virtual events and concerts are likely here to stay.
Virtual Events
2020 saw the world come to a standstill as people were told to stay indoors and stay 6 feet apart. It led to many looking for other ways to interact with the outside world. This led to conventions and concerts being showcased online. Now that restrictions are lifting, many folks are eager to return to some form of normalcy and people are quickly buying up tickets to events that will once again be performed live.
But there is a section of the population that will continue to wear masks, keep their distance, and watch most large events at home, which is why most virtual events are here to stay. Many concerts will continue to live stream for those who are too afraid to venture out into large crowds where the threat of contagion has become all too real.
With technology like stage holograms, a live performer can broadcast to multiple event locations around the world at the same time. This allows attendees to enjoy the live atmosphere, but because the event can take place in different locations at the same time, crowd sizes can get smaller without killing overall attendance. This reduces risks associated with large crowds and can help uneasy attendees feel better about the prospect.
Hybrid Events
There are also hybrid meetings and events where people will be given the option of attending in person or virtually. According to BUToday, these types of meetings are here to stay. Many people won’t want to attend out of fear and some, with this option, will choose to stay home just because of cost.
Asynchronous Events
This is still a developing trend, but it’s entirely possible to have an event that doesn’t require all attendees to be present at the same time. A great example is concert videos in movie theaters. The concert is recorded, and people can visit and enjoy the content at a time of their choosing. Movie theaters around the world can show the concert at various times, and it helps with accessibility and limitations on crowd sizes.
As people develop additional ways to make events asynchronous, the concept will prove powerful for reaching large audiences with fewer drawbacks.
Dynamic Scheduling
When so many events were canceled with little notice, planners had to come up with a completely new approach to scheduling. Event schedules are going to be more flexible and adaptable than ever before. Planning around smaller venues and crowds reduces the financial burdens tied to dynamic scheduling, so events can split content over different time periods and locations in order to make a schedule that can respond to sudden changes.
As we venture out more and more, it will be interesting to see how long people will continue to wear masks and touch elbows instead of shaking hands. There will always be a section of the population that will never become as comfortable as they were before quarantine shut down the world. One thing we can expect is people continuing to adapt to the world as it changes around them.