5 things we learned about creativity from a football commentator
Ben Tallon
Illustrator, artist, hand lettering specialist // Creativity coach and founder of 'The Creative Condition' // Author/writer/speaker //
The self-loathing I felt as the Radio Leeds coverage of Wimbledon 0-0 Leeds United went off air in 1995 was intense.
I'd sat there, all afternoon (including the build-up) dutifully hitting record each time the commentator's voice began to speed up, his pitch peaking, in the hope I'd ensnare a goal I could replay throughout my Saturday evening, imagining what it might look like when I got to see it on 'Match of the Day', or the local news show, 'Look North.' To come away empty-handed was unthinkable.
That's what I love about sports audio commentary: it put the broad strokes down on canvas, and the ephemeral splashes and drips were sprayed on by the fans, along with speaker announcements from the stadium, which warbled out of my stereo. Then it was over to me; little 12-year-old me to add the colour, texture, and succulent detail to complete the art. This took place in my fertile mind where it was more magical than was possible via TV coverage.
This radio tradition entered my life through my granddad, who lived alone for the last 20 years of his life. It provided a company of sorts, whether it was BBC Radio 5 Live or his late-night crooner music broadcasts.
During some visits, into my early 20s, we'd sit drinking tea, listening to the voices. He'd bring his transistor to my house on a Saturday afternoon and it would generate conversation between him, my dad, and me. Not my poor mother, of course, who as a non-sports fan, would order him to turn it down.
My dad worked with a smaller model with a long aerial, and we'd only ever snatch patchy bursts of BBC 5's Saturday 3pm kick-off coverage on the temperamental AM band, but it brought him, my brother, and I together with our split allegiances and general league-wide interest in the game.
So I jumped at the chance to talk to BBC Radio 5 commentator Alistair Bruce-Ball when I learned we lived not too far away from one another.
You can hear our chat here, and below are 5 things I learned from Alistair about creativity:
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