5 things we can do to get younger people working in agriculture
Author: Juan Pablo Hurtado

5 things we can do to get younger people working in agriculture

Let’s face it, agriculture has an image problem; For many different reasons, we have done a bad job at preparing for our generational relay. The age of the average farmer just keeps getting higher with each passing year. However, hardly telling you anything new year, this problem has been going on for decades with no solution in sight.

Being a perennial optimist when it relates to the future, here are five things we could do to help turn around the demographic trend in the Agri workforce by setting the record straight:

1. Let’s stop complaining about how hard life is

There is no denying that farmers have plenty of issues to deal with; between the catastrophic climactic events, pests devouring your crops, the wild market swings in prices, and even the chronic scarcity of labor, it can be overwhelming. For these reasons, it’s no wonder we tend to complain a lot.


Yet, we do need to acknowledge that constantly reminding the world how hard our life is, doesn’t do us any favors when it comes to convincing youngsters to join our ranks. This is not a matter of hiding the truth, but rather of also talking of the things that make agriculture great. In a nutshell, if we don’t behave as cheerleaders for the industry then nobody else will.


2. Let’s welcome people with no recent family history in agriculture into the industry

There is no greater pride for a farmer than handing down his or her estate to the kids. The problem is this has created an imaginary in which farming is an occupation you were born into for better or for worse. That is quite unfortunate because it leaves most of the population out making the potential pool of candidates smaller by the day. Another downside of this is missing out on the cross-pollination of ideas that can only come by welcoming people from many different backgrounds. Special efforts should be made to make women feel welcome in an industry that traditionaly has been dominated by males and that desperately needs a change in that regard.

If we take a look at other industries, we will find that they get out of the way to lure youngsters into their ranks. Investment banks, law firms, tech companies, and even retail businesses regularly attend college campuses and high schools to present themselves in their best light while scouting for fresh talent. It is time we find creative ways of doing the same and getting kids exposed to agriculture and making them think of it as a viable option for a career.


3. Let’s proudly display our technological prowess

Unfortunately, when young people think of agriculture, they think of old-school people averse to technology and no opportunities for innovation. I am glad to say that this couldn’t be further from the truth, but we are very bad at showing it to the world. While companies like Tesla struggle to release truly self-driving cars to the market, our tractors have been driving themselves for years with a level of accuracy that will blow your mind away. Using drones is an everyday occurrence for farmers all over the world as tools to monitor and spray crops. Finally, it is fair to say that there are very few cases where the Internet of things has had a greater impact in the real world than in agriculture. We have a lot going on and there is no shortage of innovation happening in agriculture. We must do a better job of making sure that this information goes out into the world. I’m sure many youngsters will drool at the site of our latest gizmos and gadgets.


4.???Let’s showcase the outdoors lifestyle as a viable and desirable option

One of the coolest perks of being a farmer is being able to work outdoors every single day close to nature. I can think of few other occupations that offer this possibility, and that is something that we can push in our favor. Many farmers love their profession precisely for this reason, and it can become a compelling factor for youngsters to consider a career in agriculture. Many industries such as fashion, sports, cinema, and music have leveraged the lifestyle that comes with the job to entice new generations into the business; I frankly cannot see any reason that farming cannot do the same. Living next to the wonders of nature such as rivers, forests, and wildlife has an appeal that cannot be denied. Youngsters will flock to the ranks of farmers if we share some of the things that farmers take for granted in their daily lives that are not easy to find elsewhere.


5.???Let’s show agriculture can be profitable and sustainable

One thing that we need to talk about is how farmers portray an image where there is no possible way of making any money in this industry; I get it, sometimes this can feel like an ungrateful business that doesn’t pay enough to be worth the sacrifice. That being said, let’s recognize that farmers tend to be a self-deprecating crowd; They underplay their achievements and belittle their successes. This trait which is very much ingrained in the humble nature of many farmers is poison when it comes to making agriculture appealing to a young generation. We do not need to become arrogant or invent riches that are not there. What we can do is show how they can live a decent life with a purpose by going into agriculture. We need to portray what makes farming so satisfying and how it provides you with an opportunity to have a fulfilling life and raise a family. Also, let’s not forget about showing how responsible agriculture can coexist with the surrounding environment, and how farmers can be stewards of nature while providing food to the world.


In conclusion, to avoid a generational relay catastrophe we need to take this seriously and try to change the image of agriculture. There are many reasons why young people might want to become farmers, but this won’t happen if we are not willing to do our part in showing them the way. Some might say this is a fool’s errand, let’s not pay them any attention.



