5 things tech companies should NOT be doing as we climb out of this crisis
Julian Lee
Publisher, Community Builder, Speaker, Channel Ecosystem Developer with a focus on cybersecurity, AI and Digital Transformation. Subscribe to eChannelNews to learn more or follow me on LinkedIn.
Six months in, we are starting to see some light at the end of this dark tunnel. The ingenuity of people to adapt whenever a disaster hits is quite amazing. Unfortunately, it's not over. Still, many people and companies are struggling. This is going to leave a big dent in the channel!
What's next for the tech channel...
It's going to be pretty much more of the same pandemic survival playbook for businesses throughout the rest of 2020. We have done loads of articles, videos and podcasts on the topic over the past 6 months so check them out on eChannelNEWS if you want the insights.
An article from Carl West may help you grasp the big picture of the economy. You can also check out an article I wrote on which lane is your business in. It should give you a good feel for visualizing how your business is actually moving along.
Instead of talking about what you should be doing (as I have been outlining all along), here are 5 things that you should DEFINITELY NOT be doing in your business:
- Do not go dark (or hide) until this pandemic blows over. This may take a lot longer than you think. People will remember those who stepped up and innovated during these difficult times.
- Do not keep trying to make in-person activities look virtual. In-person is not the same as virtual and it will never be. Create a new and different virtual experience. Check out a recent article I did on what we learned about virtual events. Check out how we do our ChannelNEXT virtual events.
- Do not wait for in-person activities to come back. And, when it does return, it will look and feel whole lot different (at least until 2021). Get ready for a new "unnatural" in-person experience. We are currently tweaking our new in-person ChannelNEXT event format to relaunch when it's very safe to do.
- Do not get paralyzed by the unpredictable and fluid situation. Step out of your comfort zone. Take some calculated risks. Try some new things. Adjust the way you measure ROI. Think differently. Innovate!
- Do not stop learning and experimenting in the digital world. You need to keep working on it until you get it right. It takes time and skill to become a solid thought-leader or influencer! Do not forget to help your entire team to transition by supporting them to learn and master new digital skills (we were very surprised to learn just how weak the digital capabilities were for so many, especially for those who relied heavily on in-person activities).
What you don't do is just as important as what you do. I selected these 5 things because I still see too many folks doing exactly that and it's hurting them!
The bottom line...You must lead the charge to get your company and clients to higher grounds. Your hard work may not pay off immediately, but that's the bold investment needed to get through this crisis and come out on top.
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