5 Things to Share: February 2024
Moonshine Design, LLC
Graphic Design and Marketing for Consumer Products, Log Home Contractors, Building Materials and Nonprofit Companies
Greetings LinkedIn Friends!
I have a confession to make.
?I'm a Star Wars and book nerd, which led me down this wormhole…?
I recently came across this quote from Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn after downloading the Readwise app (more on that later.)?
“The place had become too comfortable, too familiar—her mind no longer really saw everything that went on around her, but merely saw some of it and filled in the rest from memory.”
Does this ever happen to you? Things become so routine that they just become part of the scenery.
Fast forward to walking the track and listening to the latest episode of Nudge,?
Life Lessons from a World-Leading Neuroscientist, a Behavior Science Podcast by Hubspot. They started talking about habituation.
Habituation is when things become routine, like for Princess Leia above. It can lead to becoming blind to our surroundings' — both the light and dark.?
Over time, we tend to focus on the familiar while disregarding changes, making it difficult to recognize the true extent of our experiences. This can apply to relationships, daily routines, and even negative emotions like anxiety.
Regularly switching things up and stepping outside our comfort zones can help us break this cycle, gain a fresh perspective, boost creativity, and bring more joy into our lives.
?? So remember to take a break. Try new foods, go on a date with your sweetie somewhere new, take a vacation, sign up for a runDisney 5K, or refresh your website or branding.
How will you mix things up? Let me know if I can help.?
And may the force be with you.
#1 7 Signs Your Website Needs a Redesign
Your website is like a brochure for your business. In today’s world, an online presence builds credibility and shows you’re professional. It needs to be up-to-date, easy to use, and engaging. If your website shows the following signs of wear and tear, it may be time for a refresh.?
#2 The Incredible Shrinking Package
You're not crazy. You're experiencing "shrinkflation".?Learn why most manufacturers only do this when they have no other options.
#3 The Organic Way to Grow Your Email List
Looking for ways to grow your email list without purchasing a list? Try a few of these tips from HubSpot. My favorite quick tip was to add a subscribe link to your email signature.?
#4 Social Media Updates & Happy Birthday Facebook!
?? Good news for those like me who are a bit camera-shy and aren't into posting videos or reels on Instagram. The platform has started testing carousel posts in the reels feed which could come in handy addition and help you extend your reach (aka the folks who see your content whether they're following you or not.)
?? Happy 20th birthday to Facebook!
You may have already heard that LinkedIn is updating its features. The big news is that creator mode is going away. The good news everyone is now getting creator features.??
And why can't I stop calling X, Twitter? A lesson in rebranding. And get your I Still Call it Twitter T-shirt here.?
#5 Connecting the Dots
My fellow Marketing Mentor groupie, Andy Brentis, posted a Slack message introducing our group to a tool called Readwise. And I'm lovin' it.
The app gives you highlights and quotes from the books you've read, which you can add your own notes and tags to. It's a great tool for connecting patterns of thought from different sources.
Are you ready to mix up your marketing and grow your business? Grab a spot on my calendar, and let's talk.
Sarah Spoelstra, Moonshine Design
Designer & Marketer