5 Things Sales Doesn’t Know About Customer Experience But Should
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Give a pitch, make a sale, move to the next customer. That’s the old way of selling, but it no longer works on modern customers. Today, people crave simplicity and connection, but that lesson is often lost on salespeople. Russell Brunson is co-founder and co-CEO of ClickFunnels, and he believes that more than pushing sales and focusing on numbers, salespeople need to focus on individuals and connection.
The worlds of sales and customer experience are intertwined, but often salespeople fall into the trap of pushing a single message on customers instead of considering the entire experience. To strengthen sales and create long-term bonds, salespeople need to understand the customer experience. Here are five crucial lessons about CX for all salespeople:
- Customers avoid confusion. Most websites are overwhelming to customers with multiple navigation bars, offers and drop-down menus. As Brunson says, customers get lost in the chaos. Oftentimes they get so confused and can’t find what they’re looking for that they just leave. Customers don’t understand the sales process and products as well as the salespeople, but too often sales forgets that. Customers naturally avoid things they don’t understand or are too overwhelming, which means a website that has too many products can actually turn away customers. When thinking through the user web experience, focus on quality over quantity. A few simple options will go much further than an entire page of confusing choices.
- Strong experiences are sequential and simple. The goal of companies is to make customers’ lives easier, not harder. Customers want experiences that are simple and sequential. Brunson compares it to a customer going to the grocery store—they might have a confusing experience wandering the store and looking at all the things they could buy, but they could have a stronger experience walking with someone who points out what they need and items that make sense with what they are buying. Sales funnels turn traditional websites on their head by walking customers through a logical, step-by-step sales process. Each page has only one call to action, which moves customers to the products they need and the next logical steps. Brunson says sales funnels do better than traditional sales websites because customers have a better experience and can get exactly what they want without getting confused or lost.
- Customers crave connection, not pushy salespeople. Customer experience focuses on more than just the end sale—it’s about everything the customer feels and thinks during the entire process. Customers want to be valued and seen as individuals, not pushed into buying something they might not need. Hearing a sales pitch that is obviously given verbatim to every single person doesn’t create a strong relationship.
- Modern branding focuses on relationships, not sales. Building a great experience doesn’t always lead to instant sales, but it creates relationships that can lead to long-term customers. Brunson follows the pattern of hook, story, offer. First, the brand must get someone’s attention with a catchy video or headline. That opens a window to tell them a story to build connection. From there, the brand can make an offer. The customer might not accept that offer or make a purchase right away, but because they listened to the story and felt a connection, they are now interested in the brand and can build a rapport. Telling a story helps people to relate to a brand, which allows them to become eventual long-term customers. Building a strong relationship keeps people buying over and over again for years instead of falling for a traditional marketing message and a one-time sale. Modern brands focus on connection, not just the logo.
- Personalization should be a priority. Big splashy commercials aren’t nearly as effective as they used to be. Customers connect with personalized messages. They want to feel connected to something and know that it was made just for them instead of feeling like they are just a part of the crowd. Sales messages can still be automated and scaled, but they also need to be targeted. This is especially true during our global pandemic, where people are more isolated than they’ve ever been. In these strange times, customers want to feel attached to something. When they feel a personal connection to a brand, it builds long-term goodwill, far more than a commercial or internet ad ever would.
Customer experience is the true battleground of sales. It doesn’t matter how great your product is if customers are confused, overwhelmed or annoyed by your sales pitch. To build long-lasting relationships that convert to continual sales, focus on customer experience.
*Article first published on forbes.com
Blake Morgan is a customer experience futurist, keynote speaker, and the author of the bestselling book The Customer Of The Future.
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