5 things lawyers can do to get the most out of CPD
Victorian Legal Services Board and Commissioner
The VLSB+C is the regulator of the legal profession in Victoria.
It’s February already, which means we are only two months away from the end of the continuing professional development year. It's now time for Victorian lawyers to get the last of their CPD points before the 31 March deadline.
CPD is a way to maintain or improve your skills and knowledge as a lawyer, and to stay current with trends and changes impacting the profession. As a lawyer, it’s your responsibility to be on top of this, but here are five simple things to help you remain compliant with your annual CPD obligations:
1: Make CPD work for you.
Lawyers who invest in themselves provide better services to their clients and the profession.
Don’t look at CPD as being a tick-the-box exercise. You should choose CPD activities that meet your career development needs and aspirations. What an early career lawyer needs to know can be very different from a more experienced lawyer. As an example, we’ve created a useful self-assessment resource on legal ethics, which has been tailored for lawyers of different levels of career progression and experience: https://lsbc.vic.gov.au/lawyers/practising-law/continuing-professional-development-cpd/ethics-cpd-self-assessment-tools.
You can find other interesting and valuable CPD opportunities through the @Law Institute of Victoria, @Victorian Bar, @Law Library of Victoria, as well as seminars offered by various barristers’ clerks and law firms, commercial CPD providers, government authorities, legal education providers, and more. And don’t forget to ask your colleagues for their recommendations. Here are some useful online resources to help get you started: https://lsbc.vic.gov.au/lawyers/practising-law/continuing-professional-development-cpd/making-most-cpd
2: Cover the right areas.
There are four different fields that CPD relates to:
Generally, you need at least one point in each area. You can read more about that here: https://lsbc.vic.gov.au/lawyers/practising-law/continuing-professional-development-cpd/your-cpd-obligations
There are many ways that you can meet your obligations for CPD, so you can explore and choose what works best for your individual needs and development. These include group discussions, research, giving a presentation, postgraduate study and some types of private study. Note that there are limits on how many points you can claim for different activities. Find out more here: https://lsbc.vic.gov.au/lawyers/practising-law/continuing-professional-development-cpd/your-cpd-obligations#CPDlimits
The LIV and the Bar also conduct audits of CPD compliance on our behalf. If you are audited, we may ask how your CPD was relevant to your day to day practice. We may also consider if your CPD would help mitigate some of the risks for lawyers that we identify in our annual risk outlook for the profession.
3: Beat the deadline.
The last day to get CPD points is 31 March each year. If you don’t make your quota by then, you will need to complete a rectification plan and make up the missing points within a set timeframe.
Read more about audits and rectification plans here: https://lsbc.vic.gov.au/lawyers/practising-law/continuing-professional-development-cpd/cpd-audits.
4: CPD Compliance is a prerequisite to practice.
The annual practising certificate renewal period is also commencing soon. When you submit your application to renew your certificate, you have to declare if you have met your CPD obligations. We won’t approve your renewal until you have completed the points you need, so it is in your best interests to beat the CPD deadline so your PC renewal isn’t held up. Find out more here: https://lsbc.vic.gov.au/lawyers/practising-law/continuing-professional-development-cpd/cpd-audits#WhathappensifyoudontcompleteyourCPD.
5 Get all the points you need.
Most lawyers require 10 units of CPD per year.
If you worked less than the full CPD year, you only need to obtain points for the time you held a practising certificate. See https://lsbc.vic.gov.au/lawyers/practising-law/continuing-professional-development-cpd/exemptions-cpd#IfyouheldapractisingcertificateforafullCPDyear
If you have special circumstances, you can also apply for an exemption from some or all of your CPD. We explain more about what counts as special circumstances, and how to apply for an exemption on our website: https://lsbc.vic.gov.au/lawyers/practising-law/continuing-professional-development-cpd/exemptions-cpd.