5 things I learned in 2022

5 things I learned in 2022

A lot of high-achieving people are self-critical, fueled by a feeling of not being enough. In 2022, I decided to let that feeling go, and it turned out to be the best year yet for my business, and in many ways, for my life. Here’s what I learned in a year where I stopped looking outside for validation, and found answers within myself.

1. Being kind to yourself is the GPS toward everything you want.

I actively practice loving-kindness (metta), so I thought I was in a good place with myself. But my coach’s suggestion to read Dr. Kristin Neff’s Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself ramped it up a thousand notches.?

This book cracked me wide open. It helped me see that if I’m being kind to others and not kind to myself, I’m not really being honest. And to be honest with myself truly and fully is to have compassion with myself even as I work toward (progress and fail) on a path of self-mastery. That is the journey, and it brings me more honestly and fully in tune with my true Self and my purpose.? As within, so without.?

As I learned success wasn’t a binary mode of “perfection” or “wow-I-suck,” but a journey of patience and acceptance, I was stunned by the insights and magic that began unfolding in my life. I no longer operate on a contract of full for others, empty for self. Initially it was difficult to create ways to appreciate and stick with my own humanity. But taking up more space for self-compassion as part of my daily practice has amped up my ability to be present and receive intuitive information. Give it a spin to experience more joy and freedom.

2. Not everyone will understand (and that’s OK).

When you begin a journey of self-discovery and inner growth, people will have opinions about it. And they’ll have opinions about you. And about what this means, for you and for them.?

This includes people who aren’t physically present in your life, but whose loud opinions are present for you because they’ve impacted your path toward or away from your dreams and desires in the past.?

Your path is yours. When it’s in full-activation mode, your path probably won’t make sense to people beyond you, even and especially if they mean well and want to keep you safe. But their idea of what’s right for you, and what’s actually right for you, may not be the same thing.?

And that’s OK. You are allowed to choose for yourself what you want to do, who you want to be, and what you want to experience in your life.?

Those choices you make about what’s right for you, may not make sense to others. And you don’t owe any explanations to anyone. Sometimes it also helps not to explain, because it saves your energy and doesn’t activate their fears and triggers that are really about them, but that they share in a way that makes it about you. You can let go your habit of explaining your choices. Not sure if this is for you? Revisit #1 above.

3. Sometimes things end (and that’s OK too).

When you start down your own path, you can’t bring everyone with you. You’re not obligated to. We are all responsible for our inner work. Often that means you show up differently, and sometimes there are “casualties” among those you’d previously been close with because they are attached to how things, or how you, were previously. Plus, consider that you’re the only one alongside your fine self for 100% of all of the moments of your existence.?

You’re not required to stay put just to accommodate others who aren’t moving in their own growth direction. If it comes to letting go, it doesn’t mean you or they did anything wrong. If it’s meant to be, you’ll come back to each other at the right time.

4. Commitment to self is fun and rewarding.

I know through my professional life that commitment produces results. This year, I committed not to external goals but to myself, and it was astonishingly wonderful.

I have a strong sense of purpose. The choice to self-commit unlocked a possibility I’d not previously considered: that it’s possible to move more slowly and intentionally. To embrace abundance of time and a solid belief that what I am creating and destined to create will happen, once I work with focus and commitment toward my purpose and what I want in life. For me, commitment created the conditions for abundance. And it’s taking less energy and creating peace, because I’m not trying to outrun what happens and who I’ll be if I actually commit.

5. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you have to.

In 2022 I decided to grow my business.?

Part of it was wanting to scale the impact of my work, to help more people, to create more benefits and win-win situations.?

Part of it was also a bit of a dare to myself, to stare my fears in the face:

Was I capable of growing an already phenomenal team?

Was I capable of hitting a revenue mark I’d previously thought impossible, just 3 years after going full time with my business?

Was I capable of managing the demands of a business in a growth phase (working both in and on the business) while staying healthy and happy and fulfilling my many obligations and addressing my desire to rest, see family, and travel?

Well, I did it. This phase moved me through many of my fears by staring them in the face. I no longer question whether I have what it takes to build a successful, thriving business. I am super, super grateful to my amazing clients, team, coaches, supporters, my wonderful spouse and family, and all who were part of this magic and without whom none of it would have happened.?

It also taught me is that just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you have to. I don’t necessarily need to keep getting bigger, I can scale my business so it best serves my purpose.?

And whatever comes, I know in my heart: it will be OK.?

And it will be for you, too.

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What did 2022 reveal or teach you? I’d love to hear it!

(BTW, I host a mini retreat each year to help others do this work. If you’d like to crystallize 2022 and prep yourself for 2023 with me, details are here).


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