Another Friday Fast 5 coming your way.?
This week we are focusing on leadership and 5 habits, behaviors or routines that can help you become a better leader. Why?
So you need to work on yourself in order to retain a team of top talent. Below are also some skills that might be helpful to master so that you can share them with team members when they need a little extra support.?
- Gratitude - I always like to start each day by practicing a daily dose of gratitude. I ask what am I thankful for in my personal life, business life, and for me as a human being not a human doing. This is great practice to share with your team members at the start of meetings as well! We call it “starting with an attitude of gratitude”.?
- Batching - You’ve heard about basking similar tasks together, but something I find more effective is batching tasks by energy. If you have no idea what I’m talking about you can watch the training I did on this right HERE.??
- Reading - Whether you are more of a fantasy, self help or audio book listener reading is one of the best things you can do. For those of you who don’t know where to start I highly recommend “What I Know For Sure” By Oprah Winfrey, and “Conversations with God” By Neale Donald Walsche. These books literally changed my life, taking me from being known as the “black widow” in one of my corporate roles, to the surf loving team building champion I am today.?
- Filling Your Cup - You can’t pour from an empty cup. So one of the biggest things I encourage all of my clients and team members to do is to work some me-time into their week. The things that give them joy! Whether that’s going from work to twerk on a Friday (or a Tuesday), surfing, meditating, spending time with the kids, it has to be something that lights that fire inside you. Something that doesn’t feel like a chore. So if you are someone who only goes to the gym because you need it to feel healthy, then maybe that’s not your cup filling activity, maybe it’s the 30 minutes after gym where you can shower and show love and compassion towards yourself.?
- Journaling - I like to end each day by journaling and asking myself the hard questions. I believe that the quality of your life is in direct correlation to the quality of questions you ask yourself. By bettering yourself you also show up as a better leader for you team. To create transformation in your outside world you first have to start with yourself.?
And that’s a wrap for this week! Enjoy your weekend and let me know if any of these ideas helped you out.?
Be the Ripple - Create Waves of Change?